9:46 I have always wondered if a lot of methane is released into the atmosphere, does it mean the atmosphere can be ignited?
I think that the sun and the moon are at the perfect distance and size to put energy into the earth keeping the electromagnetic field activated with the crust in homeostasis due to pressure and temperature holding runaway volcanic activity from ending life as we know it.
My biggest fear would be to fall down in one of those waterholes in the ice
the thought of Rock being in liquid form is so weird!!
- Which lake do you want to go to on vacation? - A lava lake
Yeah it's pretty powerful I reckon
The flies that guy is just letting crawl on his face are giving me an anxiety attack
I was just wondering is it a way in safe to set the highly flammable gas under the ice on fire on a larger scale then there demonstrations
32:40 Yeah, so how come the water in those pockets doesn't freeze?🤔
Perfection 💜
I had a thought that pockets of methane could be captured and power a ski-doo or quad type vehicle. Is it possible to find big pockets of methane ; capture and store small quantities ?
Good video title and the video would be good with a focus. A lot of jumble of interesting topics never tied into a story.
I would really like to watch this, but its impossible. Prime video says its unavailable, BBC says its unavailable, cant buy it, cant download it, its not on youtube. And I think this is really stupid. BBC could make so much money if this was available to millions of people
3:20 "Bernadette is forced to descend." Who forced her? The narration is needlessly dramatic. ☕😐
Bernadette was not the first to descend. The photographer was.
His last name is Oppenheimer lols.
ये तो चिंताजनक बात हैं ।
Why doesn't he say where all these places are? Why they don't tell the audience the names and locations where that is?