
What are vectors?
Me when doing physics: It's an arrow with a direction and magnitude.
Me when doing computer science: It's a set of numbers, such that their order matters.
Me when doing abstract linear algebra: Vectors are whatever I want them to be.


His voice is so soothing........ I have no idea why


What's our vector victor?
We have clearance, Clarence.
Roger, Roger.


Q: what do you get when you cross a mosquito with a mountain climber?

A: nothing. You can't cross a vector with a scalar.


we need more mathematics video people ! please make more !


it's amazing how I learned this yesterday in physics and now there is a video on it. this isn't the first time it's happened lol


really needed this right now! you guys are doing a really really great job can't express how good these videos are.....keep up the good work


When I learned the vector in the high school and the college, I never understood why I should learn it. Now I do understand. I wish somebody at the school should have explained this way. Thank you, David for your excellent lecture.


“Vector, because I’m committing crime, with direction, and magnitude!”


If you’re watching this in high school… actually pay attention in your math classes. I’m about to graduate college, and I have to return to studying things like this because it actually has use.


Although I loved the idea, I think the way vectors was explained was not particularly clear to those unfamiliar with them, but too simple for those familiar. Especially with the complex, unnecessary section on array and vector transformations which just complicate introducing and explaining what one is, I don't feel your "What is a vector?" video really did a good job on answering the question.

However, from Tensors onwards I felt was very well done and interesting, and it's a shame the first section was not the same.


Already knew vectors and scalars. But tensor, that's new


Best animation I've ever seen, from a design pov.


I thought Vector was a villain in Despicable Me. 


This is very straightforward, easy to understand and practical. Thank you for the explanation.




Thank you for posting this just after I had my Physics test.


tfw this video dropped right when we started discussing this in school


I like to pretend I understand these


I thought a vector was a type of criminal partnered with direction and magnitude, but this video really opened up my eyes to the astounding reality of vectors! Thank you once again TED-Ed! 😌