
This is a bit of a random comment, but you are the only person I've come across on YT who actually talks about how hard YT can be.  As someone with a relatively new and VERY slow-growing channel, the self-doubt kicks in often but then I'll watch one of your videos where you talk about your YT journey and I love that your advice is always to keep going if what you're doing is what you want to be doing.  Thank you so much, Deborah.  Maybe my Spirit Guides made me  find your channel so I can hear someone say (here in the physical realm) that I shouldn't give up.  I know there are things I can improve on, so my plan is to keep making improvements... and then maybe things will click into place one day (in divine timing, as you say).  Thanks again.  God bless you 🙏.


Hedgie! You are the most genuine, authentic, loving and open soul. Your reading was TOTALLY resonant for me.  I started my awakening this year and everything has fallen away, marriage, house, job, all at once. Building me from the ground up now, but it’s happening so fast! It’s miraculous. You and your videos have been my constant companion since August this year, I would not be here if it wasn’t for you and your belief and guidance. I thank you  with all of my heart 💓 TY TY TY !!!




As Rachel Green in Friends said "I am trained for nothing" I have never had a hobby or talent that I know of. I never had time. Severe childhood trauma, had to leave as a teen and make my own way.  Survival mode.  I always wanted to play piano and begged my mom, but the answer was always no.  I am now very busy trying to heal from some of the most complex health issues caused by the abuse.  I hope I will be able to focus on creative things someday.


I am an artist so this fits me very well... I put off using my talents as work and being a Mom and Wife was put first. Now I am laser focused on my art and exploring my talent and growing my skills. I am fearless when I create.  It is both fun and exciting! So this reading spoke to me... Thanks Debra... 😊


You supported me through a very tough stressful time and I listened to many readings and they were all unbelievably accurate .. I can’t express how you helped me. Thank you ❤


Gracias, gracias, gracias Debra❤


It was 13:44 when I was watching. In Numerology 13=4 so I’ll take it as a sign. Thank you


Thank you !! 😊❤


Thank you so much ❤️❤️


Shit gets even wilder… I had regression therapy today…. Last night I dreamed o was stroking dolphins in a flooded sea /river meeting…. Crazy 😊🙏🏻❤️


I cannot stress enough to you how absolutely spot on and perfect this reading is for me. It's as if it was a personal reading. I am struggling mightily, questioning why things are happening, how I can fix it, and begging for a foundation. 444 is my angel/guide number that they send me and I am blown away that you brought it up. Our personal teams really do love us, don't they? You're amazing and I appreciate you!! You are so gifted.


Thank you for sharing 🙏 ❤️ 🌹


Gracias por la traducción, spanish ❤, bendiciones para ti, eres increíble. Muchas gracias, thanks You ❤


My son is a Taurus and my daughter is a Leo 😍😍🥹🥹


Recently I decided to become an artist and I just entered a painting of an angel and the listing price is $444. I knew it was an angel number but didn't know what it meant. Thank you for your insight and confirmation!


My connection to the divine is my wisdom … i have always been a creative artist … starting as young child. May art is channeled on a daily basis.  We are all divine and are connected to source … it is just a matter of us feeling into it … and allowing source to express thru us. Much love and blessings to you dear Debrah … mahalo ❤ i am working on creating a coppermoon oracle deck with spirit. 3 years now … over 70 images.


I started watching the reading at 444.❤ I have Been working on every aspect of my life right now: honesty, accountability, acceptance, empathy, respect, self worth, love for myself and others, financially developing as well as artistically


Once again you astound me with your accurate readings! Thank you so much Debra! I have recently started my own business creating intuitive jewelry. My guides and angels are by my side always helping me with inspiration and support. I'm an Aries and can sometimes be impatient. I am learning to let go and follow the road because I know my guides will not let me stray. I've been telling my ego to step aside and let my heart take the lead. I love putting my heart and healing into every work of art. You have answered all of my questions and hesitations. Thank you again Debra. lots of hugs, love and light to you and your family. (And lots of love and light to ALL Beings!)


Good morning Debbs