They hair look DOPE!!
i actually love his hair like that. hes trying to be his dad lol
DJ is a real deal mini Damien! Lol love it
I really love Damian and Bianca their parenting is everything
Dj and kyrie looks handsome with the hairstyles❤ the prince family is lit with the bangers
I like dj & kyrie's hairstyles. Let's go Prince Family ❤❤❤️💯💯💯😀😀
They be posting better content on this channel than their main channel. It’s actually kinda nice ❤❤. God bless y’all
Dj look nice with that new hairstyle
I love the prince family!!! They are such a vibe. I love how Damien & Biannca support their children and the love that they have for one another. I really hope they do a Prince Family Wedding ❤
Love the new look Dj❤❤❤
The Prince Family Clubhouse Is 🔥 Lit
i love u guys❤
I love the prince fam they keep me on my feet
Dj look nice ❤
nice video
I want to see half way curly and half way dreads
DJ getting dreads make him look more like his father more and more every day and I feel like Kyrie looks good with his curls and braids like that's him