As someone who was a Democrat up till 2022, Tim Walz is a prime example of why people are leaving the party, including myself. All i can say is good luck to the Democratic party.
We need term and age limitations for Congress,Federal Judges and Supreme Court Judges plus stop lobbyists and billionaire's millionaire's donations
I'm here for comment and to hear what Walz said to this shyster. As a Californian, I regret that i voted for this empty suit.
Texas retired teacher here who owes $2000 in taxes. Not a huge amount for most but it annoys me knowing zillionaires are beating the system.
Oh Tim, the people Gavin interviewed are not "bad guys", they're smart guys, and they make good arguments, and THAT'S why people listen to them.
I beg Gavin to ask Victor Davis Hanson onto his show. Gavin you may learn how to govern or how not to govern.
Walz is even more cringey after watching this. He is wildly disconnected from the opposition and the disenfranchised center.
What do young men have to look forward to? They don’t see owning a home, having kids as something they can attain. Success seems out of reach. Tax wealth, not work!
Gavin, I voted for you. Never again. You’re cooked. Time for a real leader in the D party. You’re not the one.
Just here for the comments. And as expected yall don’t disappoint.
Okay no I’ll never vote for Gavin again in any election. If he wants to be Republican he should just go do that. Leave the rest of us TF alone
I never thought in a million years that I would leave a comment but trying to be positive for this format, I would highly advise him to grab a normal native Californian business owner and also someone who is making under six figures And interview them. We’re the ones that have to live under the laws that he imposes such as being able to steal under $900 of merchandise and get a slap on the wrist or nothing, not being able to buy gas powered yard equipment from somebody who’s never mowed a lawn in his life, I think what would be a better thing for Newsome is live for one week in a California middle class home, Have dinner with the family go to work, sit in commute traffic do yardwork sit on the phone for hours trying to source out fire insurance, wraparound policies, etc. no nannies no gardeners and try to govern from that perspective . having these intellect or not so intellect on this platform is fine for “entertainment purposes”, but to learn something you need to actually go to the people who vote that’s my two cents there’s plenty more where that came from.
Why are politicians worth millions of dollars. Does Actblue have anything to do with it? Or insider trading like Antie Pelosi??
Tim Walz :) is the direction Dems need to go. It's not the way you are going Newsom. Tim Walz:)
34:20 No Tim. You don't scare anyone. Now, if you had been elected, we would be terrified.
Tampon Tim couldn’t bust a grape in a fruit fight! What a whimp! Cmon. Literally NO ONE is afraid of Tampon Tim. 😂😂😂
Impeach Chuck Schumacher !!
Please clean up our beaches, use executive order, whatever you need to do. The fire debris has not been touched by any government agency. The locals and people of west LA are noticing your absence from this matter.
I went to LA on vacation. Paradise has been ruined by crime and homeless. Studio City is a shithole. The Hollywood walk of fame is over run with homeless and junkies. Went to a Angels baseball game. Junkies and homeless surround the entire stadium. Went to a Dodger game. Our renta” car was broken into. Know what they stole. About $2 in change. Tents all over the boardwalk in Venice Beach. Manhattan Beach. Santa Monica is a dump. Oakland looks like a third world shithole. San Francisco is completely shut down. No open retail stores open in RETAIL AREAS. Famous Fisherman’s Warf looks like a ghost town. Newsome desroyed all the reasons to go to anywhere urban in California. I’ll NEVER go back. I wasted $10k on that vacation.