Beautiful video presentation. No music. No talking. Pure relaxation.
I was there only once, on a family trip in 1964. The U.S. population has increased by approx 150 million since then. I could be wrong, since memory is fuzzy after 60 years, but it feels as if more human facilities exist along the road now, but it was super-crowded then just as it is now. Thanks for posting this gorgeous video. Fun to watch and a great way to bring back some fantastic memories. Makes me wish I were 30 years younger!🙂
Is this heaven? Such a beautiful country. ❤🔥
Incredible place. Glacier is one of the ultimate national parks.
Breathtakingly beautiful!
Beautiful "trip" that I would have never gotten to take on my own. Thanks!
Amazing scenic drive around Glacier National Park. Beautiful view along the way. Thanks for sharing. Watching from DUBAI :buffering:
May everyone who reads this find peace, relaxation, and good health. May your days be filled with calm moments, your nights with restful sleep, and your heart with unwavering joy. Take care and stay blessed!
Beautiful landscapes..
The US is paradise!!!
wow. beautiful. thanks.
Just incredibly beautiful.
You make traveling look so effortless and fun—it’s truly inspiring
We are so blessed to have this in our backyard. Montana, (the last great place)😊
Stunning. We enjoy our classic '67 Datsun 2000 Roadster in Washington's Cascade range a lot... nothing beats a convertible in the mountains. We hope to make this trip in the coming year or two. Thanks for the preview... lots of incentives!
Glacier is my favorite NP. While that far north visit Waterton Lakes National Park. It's well worth the ride. Happy trails.
Our last ride on Going to the Sun was in ‘96 when we were still living in Idaho. Now twenty-nine years later, we’re in South Carolina. Your video brought back great memories of our time there. We miss the West but grandkid gravity has us in its grip. Thanks for sharing.
Thank you very much for sharing this!
This was one of our favorite National Parks to visit! So glad we found your channel!