
That doom clutch was so hype holy


Holy that Doom came in clutch, also 7:54 "bless You 😊"


Ngl you make reaper look better than what he is on


You make reaper look so easy. Super impressive movement and positioning.


Yo I’m not gonna lie my reaper is way better yeah I’m in bronze 5 but that’s only because I need healing


That moira did 32k healing wow 😮❤


Dva matrix feels like it lasts forever ans she gets it back so quickly


Great video, I’ve started playing reaper after hogging bastion, sojourn and junkrat for so long, since reapers really fun to play, your videos are helping me study the characters play.


6:35 --> That was such a well-timed cleanse by the enemy kiri. 
Completely spoiled your whole strategy though you had such a nice drop down blossom. 
I would be so frustrated lmao !
Good stuff


watching the doom clutch was awesome :D. u were great too




I blinked and my man is top 20 now KEEP BEING AWESOME


Even tho I don't play overwatch anymore for pretty obvious reasons I still love watching gameplay of other people playing my mains. Makes me really miss the old overwatch before everything went into the dumpster.


this person right here is WORKIN. You got 4 channels. I hope you exercise and stretch your forearms, wrists, and palms! 🙃
good video, dude!


This was such a fun game to watch! anotha quality upload from choice 🙏


bro made a t500 lobby look like a plat lobby


This is exactly how I expected a top 20 reaper to be like


1 minute ago is crazy ngl


those reaper ults were so real were your ult gets ruined and everyone on the enemy team is on 1hp


Insta SUBBED!!! This was such a fun video man. Goona try reaper because of you