Every actor needs an actor who's acting as a coach. Thank you, Mr. Hollywood Coach
Now the whole celebrity, "I worked out four hours every day" thing makes sense. The warm up alone takes 3 hours 🤣
I've watched a couple of these by Dr. Mike. I realize now that they are NOT showing you what the "celebrity" does. It's just giving you some easy exercises to generate money without people complaining about hurting themselves. Thank you, Dr. Mike!
As someone who met Dr. Mike in person at the NSCA national conference a couple years back I can tell you none of this is a performance.. he actually talks like this and I absolutely love it
As a trainer he's actually doing his job perfectly, he's giving Mark EXACTLY what he wants, a bunch a whoo whoo stuff that will make him feel like an athlete and make him exhausted so he thinks he worked really hard, while not actually pushing him and fatiguing him with real bodybuilding training. He is absolutely a personal trainer and he's training marks ego.
"If you open up your gym door and 3 Rottweilers run in, that's chaos you have to control" had me in tears.
"Peak nonsense" very accurately describes sooooo much of the bs nowadays that we see online. Well said sir
I'm surprised he didn't include the Figure-8 Barbell Box Jump Backflip Yoga Ball Shoulder Press. That's my favorite exercise. It produces such an intense growth stimulus on my spleen!
I don't think I've legitimately cried from laughing in a long time, but the dominatrix joke did it for me. Thanks Dr. Mike!
So if Walberg actually trains like this, it's actually quite the endorsement for PEDs.
This is actually one of the best videos I've watched on Youtube, Dr Mike is actually hillariousðŸ˜ðŸ˜‚
I love how educated we as gym bros have become... makes me proud
Make as many jokes as you like, Dr. Mike. This guy's iconic jumping jacks/one arm barbell overhead press combo move changed my life forever. I'm looking swole af in my wheelchair.
I would love too see one of those trainers react and try to defend their insane workout routines 😂
The line about the Rottweilers had me rolling! 😂
Dr Mike being the Gordon Ramsay of the fitness industry. Love it
I would love to see Mike go undercover and get a PT session at a commercial gym 😂
As a competitive athlete, I really genuinely enjoy watching you pick all this bs apart. None of these movements are sport specific and none of them really build muscle. These are all really over complicated exercises that get you to sweat and look good on instagram with the idea of tricking the masses into thinking they just aren’t doing the latest trendy thing, and that’s why they aren’t getting results. Just stick to the basics, the tried and true, you get plenty of mileage from them.
OMG, sometimes I just watch these to get me in a humorous mood before heading to work out!😂 thanks for the entertainment and the info to keep me on my path!