We all know they cheated once again. It's disgusting. They shouldn't be allowed to take breaks like that. That is just an opening for coercion/blackmail/bribe to happen right there!
Hey David - I just listened to a reader/intuitive who said she saw that the speaker vote went one way and then there was a phone call and the vote changed. You didn’t deserve all the mean comments about being wrong so don’t let the haters get to you. 🥳
Thanks David and sweet Nico for a very good show. Listened to Mike Johnsons speach. Ridiculous. He is a spineless little shrimp. He would sell his mother if Trump asked him to.
The John Candy movie you were thinking of is called Delirious. I miss John Candy.
I believe we are in year of snake. 🐍 call it herding snakes.
Hey David I am so grateful for you. I enjoy you and look forward to your posts.
I just don't think he'll last too long. I can see real opposition to him and forcing him out.
I enjoy you David no one is 100% right just keep doing what your doing ❤
you crack me up sooooo much!!! please don't ever get disheartened and stop. sometimes we just read cards a certain way and that's why they look wrong. (responding to the other day). and i think his borrowed time is short and so the cards didn't bother with mentioning a 'win', because it's not really a win. the bittermelons and "congrats, you won a kingdom of awful" ahahaaaa!! love it. you and your brother really get me with some of these lines and the rants. thank you for being here. your presence as well as the readings are just really cathartic.
Your shirt is perfect! This is where we are!
We have the GAO - Government Accountability Office. dogi would be redundant ( the same thing )
Thank you, David!😊
Hi David, thank you for the reading! Nice to see you smiling!
Glad you watch Belle! She's great.
Good morning David. Thankyou for reading. I appreciate you and your time spent enlighting
David, I enjoy your longer readings. You probably have tons on your plate and only so much time. But take your time exploring your insights. My vote.
Keep the preamble rants. ❤1. I see things the same way. 2. The cards reflect what you are saying. 3. Altogether they paint a very clear picture for the reading.
David, I love your shirt! Dystopia at it's best and a reflection of the current climate.
Thank you, David. XOXO