He's a natural instructor for sure.
Great instructor, no doubt. One CFI to another, well done. Love the student's tunnel vision. Fun to watch as we all forget (well we actually never forget completely) our first lesson; fixed or rotor. 10 hrs from now, the students head will be on the swivel, as the muscle memory starts working. Enjoyed this.
First flew rotor wing while I was in the National Guard and before I earned my private ticket (had just done my first solo in the fixed wing). Was an aide flying with a Major from a Guard Camp to Ft. Carson, CO. The Major knew I was working toward my private ticket. About 10 minutes into the flight he asks if I'd like to give it ago. "Sure!" That became my first and only lesson in a rotor wing. Still fun.
GA needs more instructors like this guy
Great video, youβre a natural, Swayne ππππ
as a helicopter myself that CFI was awesome
What a great Instructor! Dude enjoys what he's doing!
that instructor is amazing, very calm and confident
If i ever learn flying helicopters i want this guy to be my instructor
I love planes and helicoptors and watching your guick 7 ish minute videos is the highlight of my day.
Great video, the instructor was so positive and encouraging. You did really well, Swayne ππππππ
What an awesome instructor. Makes me want to fly rotors..
Great job both of you.
Your instructor seems so chill, would love to have the same inductor
Looking good there Swanye. You did much much better than me on my first flight in a helicopter. Flew nearly 8 hours straight yesterday and I still love it, 5 years later :-) Keep up the good videos.
Awesome! Great instructor.
6min20sec of pure awesomeness. Seriously, you're living the life!
What a view! It is pretty crazy trying out helicopter flying. I too flew the R22 for the first time back in May and that was some great times. Wish your instructor would have done an autorotation, those were fun! Great video as always!
So envious, man that looked so cool! I can't afford helicopter lessons but I should do a discovery flight in an r22 That is within my reach, you are an inspiration. Hope my instructor is as cool as yours.