I really love Breaking Point and Biohazard. With Breaking Point, she was trying her damnedest to survive this toxic relationship. And in Biohazard, she finally fucking snaps and says no more.
Time to zone out and imagine a animation I'll never make
I thought it was kinda obvious that this song is about someone toxic to the singer (Toxic = infectious = sickness = biohazard BTW) who keeps trying to come back to them after being litterally thrown away. This person is clearly an abuser (physical or mental, IDK) who is afraid of losing their grip on the singer, so they keep coming back. Except the singer is fed up and decides that if their stalker is toxic, well they can be toxic too. So instead of being the infected one, they start to infect the other to push them back.
I love all the symbolism. The white flag is not just the truce flag but also the surrender flag; she refuses to surrender! LOVE YOU ALL FOREVZ
Oh she is onlly 5 years old wow whats a great vioce for a five year old
Reading the comments of this is like digging through an archeology site of a time I never experienced wtf
I cant get over how American she sounds
She fite She attac But most importantly She want her freedom bacc
She actually sounds like she's saying "biohazard" Sonika sounds like she's saying "graham cracker"
I like this video. Aiko has a voice that's softer on my ears. Sonkia sings pretty high.
Even in 2021 this song is still a bop Edit in 2022: still a bop. And will forever be one. The last edit I’ll make, in 2023: still a bop Edit in 2024: NVM IM BACK ITS STILL A BOP AS ALWAYS
I think she's the best English UTAU thing ever ^-^ I also believe that Aiko is better than any English Vocaloids I said it
Maybe you'll run faster if you bended your knees AS you ran...
Lyrics: Why do you still look at me Like I belong to you? It's like you won't let me go No matter what I do You must be a parasite Or some sick disease Your fingers wrapped around my throat, Suffocating me I'm running, running, running, running, Fast as I can But I'll never get away from you If I'm still breathing I can run, I can hide But reality won't die Infect me, infect me, You're trying to infect me And I will fight As you attack Why won't you ever see That what you have done to me Won't define who I am No, won't define who I am You're never gonna be Anything more to me Than a BI☣HAZARD Than a BI☣HAZARD Than a BI☣HAZARD Predators devour their prey To nourish their being But the way you tend to feed off of me's The most vicious thing I've seen You must be an animal Unable to feel A monster starved for centuries You've made me your meal I have been contaminated And I will fight As you attack Why won't you ever see That what you have done to me Won't define who I am No, won't define who I am You're never gonna be Anything more to me Than a BI☣HAZARD You can scream as much as you want I hear you loud and clear The thought of being alone Fills you with fear We're gonna end this war right here and now This won't go on anymore 'Cause I'mma bring you down And I will fight As you attack Why won't you ever see That what you have done to me Won't define who I am No, won't define who I am You're never gonna be Anything more to me And I will fight As you attack Why won't you ever see That what you have done to me Won't define who I am No, won't define who I am Don't you dare forget any of this pain And when you're on your deathbed…… Remember my name BI☣HAZARD BI☣HAZARD You are my BI☣HAZARD BI☣HAZARD BI☣HAZARD I am your BI☣HAZARD BI☣HAZARD BI☣HAZARD BI☣HAZARD
The few beginning lyrics remind me of a 'friend' I used to have. She seemed nice at first, and continued to be nice, but would get really angry if I talked to any of my other friends and would try to steal me away from anyone.
EDIT: I would like to update this post with more up-to-date and relevant information; The form of CVVC used at the time in UTAU was poorly configured as a lot of people didn’t really know the best way to tackle OTOing, and sounds were often missing. VCCV is a more up-to-date form of this but it’s fundamentally just an expanded CVVC reclist with an experimental (and successful!) otoing style. I really admire work like this for it’s time but I think the western community has come a long way. I’m mostly just sad the original song doesn’t have nearly the popularity of the vocaloid cover, as original producers seriously need more credit. ORIGINAL COMMENT: It's kinda disappointing this has such a vastly lower amount of views than the SONiKA cover, although; This version sounds more robotic, as the English UTAU method was CVVC back then and it wasn't as clear, and making a VCCV english bank would allow much smoother and realistic vocals. Vocaloid has somehow always managed to keep smooth vocals, and some dislike how they blend in. I'm mainly saddened to see that while SONiKA is such an obscure vocaloid, she is still more popular than an UTAU original, which makes it seem like UTAU is drastically less known or less popular than Vocaloid, when at this point UTAU has far more capabilities and sounds far better than Vocaloid ever will due to the differences between how the two work. For versatility, it's UTAU, and for the characters, it's always going to be vocaloid it seems. :<
Aiko has a very chaotic voice, in my opinion, but it works perfectly here
Now THIS is how you use a digital voicebank!! Hands down, this is the best English I've heard from any Vocaloid or UTAU. She sounds practically human, it's almost scary!