
I dont care if wait many hours to wait to watch your asnr videos u r very special to me every since i have found your channel i have been disnosed with obe of the worst cases of ptsd and since i found your channel im getting better relief this is severly tge best therapy better then a y ohysche med tgank u so much


You are a true vision of perfection❤❤❤❤❤


So perfect ❤


Cantik sekali ❤❤❤


I can hear you really good on the video, and that plane too 🤣🤪.
Nice sleep session with the tent, i always get relaxed while laying in a tent especially when it rains lightly.
You can make more of these in the future 😁👍👍


very nice triggers


Thank you, dear Ani, for giving us LIGHT and warmth in your sessions, from your Soul and your kind Heart! I am sending all my Angels to you so that they will protect you from all adversity and adversity and create protection around you in this dangerous world with the light of Love. Get well, Sunshine, we all need your Light and warmth! Namaste. 🙏💖Alex M.


Awesome ❤


Happy Monday ❤❤


You are my ultimate favourite on the whole of you tube ❤ your aura and power is immense


Hi Ani 🌞  ! As always , I had a great experience watching. You are so lovely & talented. Thank You ❤


Yes it's working perfect




Wow you look gorgeous


Mama ✌️😋 couldn't help myself 😘👌


I can hear you clearly


😘😘😘😘😘My love 😍😍😍😍 I love youuuuuuu,  😘😘😘 More more more so.sleep 💋💞