Amanda: "I don't think I have one." Gavin (deadpanned): "You have two." 🤣
Can’t wait to see you and Adam together. “His Royal Sourness”, that was on a different level 😂
"His royal sourness" 🤣👌
I'd forgotten how much I enjoy the by-play between Gav and Grump until I saw the first two and a half minutes of this.
Colorado: Ouray/Silverton areas for wildflowers, craggy mountains and waterfalls. Animas Forks for mining ghost towns, wildflowers and high mountain vistas. Keebler Pass near Crested Butte for wildflowers, high rolling mountains covered in aspens and bubbling steams. Ridgeway and Telluride area for high craggy mountains, highland lakes, waterfalls and flowers. Dominguez Canyon area for the look and feel of the desert southwest. Grand Mesa (world's largest flat top mountain) near Coalbran for large alpine meadows, wildflowers, lakes and small streams.
The chemistry between Gavin and Grumps deserves a dedicated sit com with some 10 seasons of it :D
Thanks for bringing some laughter into my Monday am... once again brilliant content love you both!!
Definitely would like to see a comparison video, considering I’m a Fuji fan ! Great video as well 👍
So happy to see Uncle Grumpy come back!
Can’t wait to see you & Grumpton back together
If you head south-east from Nova Scotia on your way to Colorado, you will find the glorious photo location of New Zealand, which has stunning mountains, waterfalls, forests and coastlines. I highly recommend it.
LMFAO during that opener! A good dose of laughter indeed! Keep ‘em coming!
Absolutely love love love your videos both for the quality photography skills and the hilarious humour you and Amanda seem to produce without any hassel blad 🤣
Very nice Gavin. Beautiful waterfall shot. Hope the leg heals quick. 😊 Ill check out the Recoverit.
South Dakota is absolutely gorgeous, especially the Badlands. It looks like a different planet. I was just there with my mother-in-law in May.
Last time you tested a medium format I was so impressed that I bought it...and told Fuji that they should have given one to you, they're not taking the hint! Amazing bit of kit, got some cracking shots of the sun setting at Thornwick Bay over the weekend. So compare away if you must but I can't afford the Hassy even if it is better, budget blown for many moons. See if the focus stack function is easier to figure than the Fujifilm or maybe that's just me and I need to read the instructions again. Thanks for the inspiration and good humour from you both.
Back together with Adam Gibbs. There's something to look forward to. You two are great together.
@4;43 you couldn't stop a pig down an ally 😂🤣 Hope the leg feels better soon. . Great photos 2x👍
The wildflowers near Crested Butte or in American Basin, Colorado are going to be spectacular this summer. Heavy snow pack this past winter so they'll be blooming late.