Welcome Back! ^^ Hope you enjoyed your trip, and as always, another fantastic upload! Really love this style of Vocaloid =owo=
Good to see you back from your vacation, hope you had fun. Now just let us have fun listening to good music.
かっこよすぎ!! だいすき! 特にイントロ最高!!
Glad you're back!
amazing! good to have u back!
Welcome back! Great upload.
Wow how I've missed your uploads. Glad you're back ^+^
Dubstep and Vocaloid is the best music combo ever -.-
I've listened to this for like a hundred times already. I love this :3
The original "Tear" holds a special place in my heart...and unfortunately, this version doesn't do it any justice. The dubstep used here really detracts from the original's beauty, but when she starts singing, it gets a lot better. Not sure what to think of this, really, except that it could use more Miku and a lot less lasers.
Welcome back VocaloidMist.
Yay your back now for more awesome music. :D
This is awesome!
The bagpipes or whatever they are at 3:18 are awesome.
Yay your back
At first, I was about to navigate away. Then the lyrics came. AND THEN the chorus. Oh man. Chills...
That's even more awesome !
Nice. It's amazing.
This is beautiful TuT