Everyones always like "omg they listen to mitski are they okay?" And never "shit man MITSKI ARE YOU OKAY?"
I love how this song ended up becoming the perfect soundtrack to everyone’s own personal story even though each story has no relation to the others??? somehow this fit everyone’s memories even if there’s no connection or similarity???
Her voice has a strange kind of anguish that's strangely comforting
Fun fact: When a clam has an irritation in it’s beak, it covers the irritating substance with layers, creating a pearl. Humans adore pearls for their beauty on the outside when it had a problem on the inside. Therefore they basically adore an issue that is covered in polishing layers. Just proof humans have always fallen for wars. They just aren’t aware because of how sugarcoated it is
why cope with the damage from your toxic relationships and your messed up relationship with physical and emotional intimacy when you can listen to a pearl by mitski and get the exact same catharsis
Therapy: expensive A Pearl by Mitski on repeat: free
The idea that trauma is a pearl that rolls around in your head in the night is a perfect analogy for how I would describe my own trauma. I love the imagery of all the grit and sand that I've accumulated in my head rubbing together and mixing with time becoming a pearl. Something solid and heavy that I carry. Each molecule of sand is a different event, small and insignificant, but as it builds up, it grows into something that can't be separated from the rest of the sand and grit I have collected. It's all one pearl, and in the night I sit on my bed and look at it over and over until I am lost in its sheen. I fucking love this song so much. Edit: I wrote this comment during a time when I didn't know how I was supposed to carry this pearl of trauma, and although I'm still on the journey to recovery, I have learned to live without it constantly in the forefront of my mind. For me, acceptance is the hardest part of recovery, but I wanted you to know that you will recover, even if you can't see the way out. I wrote this comment when I was too afraid to loosen my grip on the past, and would often feel too overwhelmed to do anything but stare straight into that heavy, white pearl, but I want you to understand that feeling will not last forever, and what may seem like a blinding light will fade with time and perseverance.
As a male victim of domestic violence and extreme abuse for nearly 10 years in my first romantic relationship this song resonates a lot with me. Men are expected to be stoic so my difficulty with vulnerability/trust usually goes unnoticed but most of the partners I've been with since then have a hard time understanding why I get very panicky and avoidant any time there's conflict or stress at home. I've tried to explain but usually just get told "you talk about that ex too much" or "well I'm not like her so...". When you've spent half your life always walking on eggshells and just waiting for all hell to break loose that anxiety sticks with you, I can't just let it go. The coping mechanisms and behaviors that helped me survive that are deeply rooted in my psyche. Healing takes time, and I was in that relationship for longer than I've been out, so far. I just wish I could get my current GF to understand that my trauma isn't her fault but my hypervigilance and anxiety aren't things I can just turn off.
A way I interpret "I fell in love with a war, and nobody told me it ended" is that when someone experiences trauma for such a long period of time and finally gets out of whatever situation they were in, it is so hard knowing that you're safe and out of it, you just need that one person to tell you it's over, it ended, but no one is there to tell you that you're finally okay.
I’d die for this woman
I was abused as a kid so I wanted to write about what this means to me. Most of the meaning I feel is in the line "I fell in love with a war, nobody told me it ended" to me it's as if I was treated like this my whole life and that became so normal. Nobody thought to tell me it wasn't. Hating being touched, hating showing emotions, hating everyone around me, hating affection, hating existing wasn't normal. Nobody told me. It wasn't as if I wanted to be like that, but my entire life it was my fault. Now it's as if I've 'fallen in love' with that life and it's taking so long to unlearn it. It left me with PTSD and a number of undiagnosed disorders and mental illnesses. Now it's like there's always a place in my head where I go to find out what I did wrong, but it's also an endless cycle because I'm still trying to remember that it isn't my fault so there is nothing to find out to begin with. I'm still trying to learn that life isn't war.
i hate that people always assume that if you listen to mitski that your depressed or your sad cuz of the music but like HER MUSIC IS FRICKING AMAZING THE WAY ITS WRITTEN THE WAY SHE SINGS IT AND PORTRAYS HER LYRICS ARE AWESOME AND HER VOICE ASWELL all of it is just so beautiful you can't help but want to cry not even when im sad i love her music
It took me 18 years to realize I was suffering from PTSD. That me hating being touched wasn't natural. That having anxiety attacks when someone touches me the wrong way wasn't part of the normal human experience. I don't know what happened, my mind keeps me from remembering. But this song perfectly explains what I feel. With people my age it's easier, but I'm still not comfortable with most physical intimacy beyond a hug, even though I want more. I can't stop thinking about my trauma either, finally putting the pieces together of all my weird unexplainable tendencies about being around people. This song is able to explain what I can't
the first chord of this song feels like im opening a bag of generational trauma
The "I fell in love with a war nobody told me had ended" perfectly portays the sort of anger and rage you get from past trauma that's already been done and over with for years(if that makes sense). I absolutely love that about this song, personally for me that's my mother's death and her childhood with it, something that's been over with for years but still keeps a little flame burning inside of me. For me the "I fell on love with a war" means sort of learning to cope with the anger, but it soon turning into pleasure. Like when you start to enjoy the rage, the anger, the adrenaline, etc. It's unhealthy, really, but you don't really care in the moment. You need to find a reason to be angry at everyone all the time for your own satisfaction. The kind of rage you always see in horror movies when the victim finally starts to beat up the murderer, the yearn for revenge. The anger building up to where you can just let it all out without mercy, and feel absolutely amazing about it. The sort of trauma that makes you obsessed with the idea of going to war, fighting, arguing, etc. Sorry this was so poorly written, I just needed to talk about this with someone lol
1:39 this part of the song literally takes me to a different dimension "there's a hole that you fill, you fill, you fill.."
I love how everyone has a different (though similar) interpretation of this song. For me, it's someone apologizing for their unhealthy coping mechanisms left over by their trauma yet being unable to let go of them. I probably am just projecting way too much, but this song still makes me tear up
in another episode of "i feel related to this song but i think my trauma is not that bad so i start invalidating myself which makes me feel more anguish"
These are the visuals that this song deserved. Dare I say: iconique