Awwwww I have the same greenstalk ❤ Twinsies!!! 😊
Safe travels! Everything looks so lovely!
Hi Mari. I remember your green stalk from last year. It amazed me how big and healthy your plants were. I don’t have a green stalk, but in my raised beds I direct sowed some seeds today: lettuce, onions, Swiss chard, kale, carrots, parsley and cilantro. I am waiting on more soil to arrive and then I will plant more lettuces and also peas. I live in Northern Jersey, so I’m hoping they will be okay. If I get nights of freezing, I will cover them for the night. I’m so excited to start my 2025 garden! Yours is lookin’ good! 👍🏻💕😎
Can't wait to hear about your trip. I filled my new greenstalk and am starting to plant!
I just received my first greenstalk yesterday! I took advantage of the sale they have going on and also used your discount code. I'm excited to get it planted!
❤ safe trip
Wonderful Video❤❤
Hi Mari. Everything looks good. I planted 3 of my greenstalks a few days ago as well. So far everything is looking healthy and green even though I do not have them under frost covers. I did 2 weeks of acclimating them to the cold so hopefully they will survive ❤🙏🏾
Nice Video❤❤
Hope you enjoy Knoxville!
Estes plantadores são maravilhosos!
Nice video
Just ordered two of these! While watching your video I saw thawed look like some incubator covers were on the Greenstalk next to you. What actually are those?