I've been building computers for almost 20 years and have been a computer geek for even longer, but I still found this to be entertaining and informative. Everything was brought together and presented coherently and thoroughly. Thank you for this content.
This video is literal gold Seriously, before I knew absolutely nothing about cable ports and know I know so much more
I don’t know why, but powercert’s videos are somehow entertaining even though he covers a not so exciting subject. I think its the animation
it's 2020 and I finally learned what USB is
Some minor details missing in the video: USB version names have became quite chaotic. For example, the USB 3.0 is currently named USB 3.2gen 1, the USB 3.1 is called USB 3.2gen2, and then the USB 3.2 is USB 3.2gen2x2. I wouldn't be surprised if it became even more complicated. USB-C can reach up to 100W of power delivery, and doesn't necessary have to reach its USB 3.1 standard. For example, some motherboards only have "USB 3.0 type C" connector (and header). If your phone supports fast charging and you're looking to buy a new motherboard (and planning to plug your phone into it), try looking for something specific: USB-C 3.2 gen 2 connector (10Gbits/s speed). Why? Because this connector can output up to 15W of power, compared to 5W on slower USB connectors (even the type C, if it only supports 5Gbits/s speed). You can use some USB-C cables/connectors for transfering "display data", as some of them support 'displayport functionality'. USB type A doesn't always have 4 pins. From what I know, faster ports have more pins.
I wish all my teacher's voice sound like yours , it is calm but not enough to make you sleep , it does not stand out too much to distract , just perfect :)
Wow, what a fantastic explanation! Cheers from Japan!
Your animations are world class. Thank you for taking time to make these.
Today, after 25 years of the Intel Universal Serial Bus being invented, we should thank and remember the very genius man behind the creation of it. Ajay Bhatt is his name, and I am very proud that he is from my country. USB is very simple and complex at the same time. It is a also very effective medium of transferring data at high speeds and without loss. Thank you to everyone who took their time to read this.
I love the little touch of making the smartphone set on fire in the end.
Finally after 20 years, I have a good basic understanding of the differences in USB connections. Thank you so much!
PC: USB ports are color coded so that you know which one is which! Mac: W H I T E
I am a senior high school student,and I am learning English now.I am more delighted that I can understand this video withou my native language subtitle.Also,I have gotten knowledge about the USB.Now I am more energetic to learn English.
OMG he's back ❤❤, I laughed hard how the phone burned from charging 😂😂😂
The BEST training videos I've ever seen. You can't make it easier to understand than this. Thanks!
I'm 72 and seeing this a year after posting. I wish you had been around 30 years ago. Thank you. I'll be binge watching till I catch up with you young whipper snappers.😳
All of us (yes, I'm speaking for the whole world) look so forward to every new video you put out! We know we can come hear and learn, be entertained, but most of all, feel like part of a family. Your animations, knowledge and soothing voice helps the newbies and seasoned computer folks feel right at home. I tell everyone about you and can't wait till you get the Million subscriber award from YouTube! Thanks for everything my friend!
No joke...I want this man to be my instructor!!. Within these 5 or 6 minutes of video, he gives a MUCH more comprehensive instruction on IT than any instructor I've had, so far. I would rather have given HIM my 7K than the school I'm in!!!!
it's fun because the "U" in "USB" means "Universal" even though there's dozens of USB types