
While this comment is easily lost in the news flow, if you're reading it, it's not a coincidence. Be patient and strong! Even though life is facing difficult challenges, believe that everything will be resolved! This is just a phase, stay tuned! Even though we don't know each other, I trust you! Rest assured that God will always be by your side !


My life changed after i started praying the rosary.


Our blessed mother please ask Jesus to heal my son of addiction and cravings for drugs and alcohol, also please pray for me and my husband that we deal with this situation with God's guidance in Jesus holy name we pray Amen


Thankyou mama mary to save shogan Moses from all danger and financial crises.. i trust in you forgive his sins and make him holy as Jesus want. ❤ Amen..


Thank you, God, for letting me be born to a Catholic family. Convert the world in Your name.


Heal me, mother 🤕 I suffer from mental illness, hate, anger, vengeful…. I am also a sinner. Help me and change me to be the person Jesus wants me to be for God and have a relationship of obedience, acceptance and gratitude 😌


I pray for my brother suffering from depression, anxiety and addiction. Release him from evil father. In Jesus name may he be healed. Amen


heal my soul ❤🙏🏼❤
Im from egypt, I was a muslim, but now i believe in lord jesus christ 🙏 ❤ 
And I want to be baptized in a Catholic church to be a child of the Lord Jesus. Pray for me, everyone


In feb 2022, My father and I undergone a surgery together, where I donated my liver to him. The doctors had cut out 70% of my liver. During the first 2 months of the recovery journey, it was extremely tough and painful, but everything changed during the month of May(Month of the rosary) My recovery process expedited so miraculously and by June I was able to even run again! Thank you to our blessed mother for always looking after me and my family. Pray the rosary everyday, it can bring wonders and grace to you and your family. Thank you Jesus and Our blessed Mother. Amen.


I’m a 64 year old grandma who needs prayers for my 9 grandchildren- mostly for my 21 year old grandson who just told his mom that he’s thinking  of going on hormones and transitioning. My heart is so heavy during this Lenten period. 
My other grandchildren need prayers as well- just to survive in this world. 
Blessed Mother please pray for him🙏🏼


Thank you for being my only real mother since i was 3 years old. I love you sweet Virgin Mary, mother of God & goodness itself. You saved my soul and my life over and over again never abandoning me. I love you with every fiber of my being. Thank you for saying yes and carrying God in your womb. Teach me to be a good woman. Amen


Heal my sister Pinki and be with her mother Mary ❤


Jésus came into my life at 33 years old, after many years of aimlessly atheism. May God bless you all! From a French catholic 🇫🇷


Dear Mother take me under your mantle of protection protect me from the storms of lonliness and depression.


To whomever sees this may you be blessed and watched over by the sacred heart of Jesus and the immaculate heart of Mary and may all the love and peace and blessings in my heart and all the angels in heaven be with you always and forever AMEN 🙏




Blessed Mary, you beckoned me to have a closer relationship with your Son. I am so grateful that I took RCIA classes and am now part of your Son's flock. I pray for your continued intersession.


Mary, the most important woman who ever lived. I was raised in a Protestant home, but the image of Mary brings me much peace. The archetype of Mary brings to mind one of the most beautiful missions of women who are called by God to motherhood. I always remember my grandmother named Mary, who in her kindness and compassion adopted my father and took care of all five of our grandchildren. I wish much light for my Grandma Maria Jerusa.


Forgive me 🙏 of all my sins mamma Mary 🙏


Marie, Mère de Dieu et Reine des anges, Toi qui as combattu et terrassé satan, désenchaîne nous de tout mal, malheur, malice, maladie. Amen.