I didn't ever expect an EYstreem x TommyInnit crossover video
Ethan be like:You can so see Ey’s and Tommy’s height difference 😂
"Doesn't bother me; I'm into that" is such a comeback lmao
I never saw this collab coming! PERFECT!!
Bro’s collaborations are next level
Eystreem has never posted at this time this is crazy bro Also TEAM EY!!!!!!!
10:19 I was there for the livestream.
honestly rly cool that he does things out of mc now lol
The intro always starts good
Tommy innit just a chill guy 🗣🗣🗣🔥🔥🔥
I love you ey
Ey looks short ngl
Tommy sounds depressed.....typical British personality🙂
4:44 Ey or the guy who is in peasant clothing
EY and Tommyinnit in the same video is crazy.. Also I just realized how short EY is to Tommy
bro why is tommyinnit in eystreem video why does he look sad at the start... hold uo wait a minute are you fr ik tommy about to do smth crazy and insane
I don’t think anyone noticed, but ey Stream is in a new house
This is like nothing EYStreem has posted before. Amazing video.
wow bro rly met tommy