
“As any artist can tell you, it is easier to reach perfection than to stop there.”
― Robert Brault


I'm actually concerned about AI, not for my inner perfectionist's sake,  but because there is no CLEAR AND MANDATORY labelling of AI generated images...  We live in a post-truth era where big media decides what is true or false,  and they'll be the ones telling you what is, or is not AI generated, according to what is more convenient. Real images or videos will be labelled as "deep fakes" and AI generated imaged or videos will be labelled as genuine... 
Also of course we are destroying all photography (and writing etc) with the same technology and mindset that was supposed to help "anyone get there"...


This a refreshing perspective. Thank you!


Out of the subject....your channel has one of the best sounds I have heard.....whatever you are using is pretty good...👍


This is really an excellent channel and I really like the content you provide, like this one!


That's such a fresh perspective! Never thought of it that way!


Well presented brother.


“That person” is me too. 😂😂


I look for quirkiness in my own originals, which excites me more than the illusion and boringness of the perfect postcard snap 😁


The whole story of the apprentice sorcerer. The magic wand is not merely the problem. The one who uses it is.


I remember when word processors became mainstream. Documents looked like ransom notes because of all the fonts people suddenly had available. I remember when HDR went mainstream. Photos had wild colors and contrast just because the photographer could combine pictures and produce an overly processed result that was so noticeably different. I remember when sky replacement became available. Skies were plopped into pictures with little regard for the direction of light or the surrealism it produced.

There are many other examples of the pendulum swinging when new advances are released to the masses. The good news is that the pendulum always swung back. This will work itself out and for most AI will become the tool it was meant to be. For me, it represents a time saver. I don’t care about the perfect cloud. We’ve had cloud brushes and the ability to insert clouds from other photos for years. However, when I have to clone out people and the area behind them contains complex textures like multiple chain link fences, I can either spend an hour with the clone stamp tool or five minutes with AI fill. I’m just happy to get the 55 minutes back.


It doesn't work if there is any bare skin in the picture, states it contravenes it's pornography rules.


I abhor perfection. Plus, I enjoy the act of photography more than the results. AI can't take that away from me.


Yep. I have no use for this. More work on better masks - or tools to improve masks would work for me. And maybe C1-like tokens for import and export.


I agree. Why. I feel to each its own & editing is part of photography, one could take a photo out of their window in the suburbs & get AI to make it into a grand landscape. But that is computer generated art, not photography, IMHO!  To me editing is dodging & burning, luminosity mask, etc. I don’t know, maybe ole fashion! Like I said, to each, their own. I guess in the long run, if no one ask if it is straight out of camera, the goal is to show something one would enjoy looking at for a while. Or forever!
  PS; I don’t like that after a certain amount of use, you have to pay for it. It’s like buying a car or a computer from Apple. = Either way your gonna pay for it!


I’m guessing generative fill will have limited usefulness for a perfectionist. I suspect there will be artifacts.


Just remember, "You only have one shot to get it right!" 

Or do you? Lol..  getting it right in camera is way less important now.  The money I can save on lenses, lighting, specialty equipment... 

The world is changing.  The first camera manufacturer to incorporate AI into their settings will own the market.  It'll happen by 2024 so who will it be??