As an iranian who's grown up with saffron I must say I'm very happy to see you using it Thanks😀👍
as an iranian this video made me so happy, and by the way for the steak you should never use the saffron alone, you should always mix it with rice and then put it on the steak like the way you did with the rice, thats because the saffron is very powerful by itself
Amazing video, that side dish is a very famous dish in Iran we call it Tah Chin (also its better to add saffron mixed with hot water for more color and flavor)
Finally a Guga version of Persian (Iranian) foods. the crunchy rice called Tahchin. if you like saffron and meat try Joojeh (Persian chicken skewer) and generally Persian kabobs specially lamb receipts.
I have saffron every now and then thanks to my grandpas connections to the Middle East, I can confirm that this stuff makes anything it touches DELICIOUS
Guga i was not expecting you do that.that was great. I am from Iran and we use zafaran in our food all the time. the best way to prep your zafran is to pure some hot water in a cup and let your zafaran seat in there for maybe 5min then use it. or even better u can put some zafaran in a cup and put some ice cube on it and let it melt. i prefer the second method. but both of these methods of "brewing" your zafaran will extract more color and taste and smell. i hope this tip helps. Love you bro.
As an iranian im so proud you made tahchin with bacon.
Hi Guga , I am the one that first time asked you to do experiment with saffron as MSG, thank you for doing it , i knew that it will suprise you , thanks again
I know you rarely do sweat food on this channel Guga, but a saffron crème brulée or a saffron crème caramel is delightful !
Saffron is very very easy to grow at home as a ground cover! Its only expensive because its so labour intensive to harvest at an agricultural scale.
wow! I just came back from an event and am watching this eating brisket, smoked picanha and some fried rice, and let me tell you, there's a reason you guys call it 'The Queen of Flavor'. Changed my entire perspective on steaks, and to no discredit of the rice or brisket, brisket was absolutely pull apart with a beautiful smoke ring, and the rice even had nice little pieces of grilled chicken, peas, carrots, and corn all soooo delicious!
This side dish is freaking amazing! Whew!
we Iranians call the crispy rice you made "Tahchin" and we usually use chicken in the middle of the rice, glad to see you guys like it.
add it to some tea. highly recommend
WOW, guga you finally made some Persian food! that Tahchin is amazing. I recommended asking for some special ingredients for Persian food from Nick! he is half-Persian
Guga please you have to try persian food. You would love it as some one who likes Barbecue you will Fall in love with it. Try koobideh, dandekabob and much more ❤❤
Tha kyou Guga you finally heard my plea!! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Thank you Guga!!