I like how he always says it like, "so, something exciting just arrived in the mail," like they really just arrive in his mail randomly. If only that happens to the rest of us too.
This is such a cool, weird little niche. No one else is doing anything like this that I know of. I love it.
Seriously--- every time you say "something exciting arrived in the mail" I'm like "oh man where does he find this stuff!?!" and I get excited for you...
You do the most amazing work I have ever seen. I can't imagine the engineers behind the design ever thought this would come of their work. Great job!
I really wish there would be a version with 37 keys (having a classical piano distribution) with a silent dual motor design that would also incorporate some clever "microphone" sensors on the "bells" to be able to amplify the sound in a cheap electrical analog way. (I am drooling at the thought of what this new sound could bring to the modern music)
you're amazing for giving us these obscure intrument sampler instruments for free. you make nerds like me really happy.
This is really cool. Obscure instruments like this kind of fascinate me. Also it's weird thinking about how eventually people are going to be making videos like this about the toys we played with as kids.
Part of what makes this instrument so magical is that when you play the scale it is not tuned in the Ionian mode (AKA a major scale) as one would expect, but in the Lydian mode, in which the raised fourth scale degree (think C major scale but with an f sharp) creates a feeling of upward motion, of lightness and suspension. I call it the “starry night” mode, become it is often used in film music when something flies up into a star-filled sky. Very often a high-pitched metal instrument like a glockenspiel is also used to evoke the twinkling of the stars.
I love when you do these unique musical instruments videos.
I love your voice, and the way your instrumentals always mix so perfectly with the tone of the video, honestly these are so well produced that it gives me chills sometimes watching them. Thanks for making content!
Your channel is one of the few that's an immediate click once I get the notification. The vibe of your channel really embodies one of my life's mantra: "Everything is interesting, all the time." Thank you for your wonderful and easily consumed videos and for providing such unique sample libraries.
the back story behind this is just really interesting to know about
What a little treasure from post war Japan! I understand your intent on sampling the best sounding single bell in the array and then using it for your entire sample library; but I would suggest that you go back and sample at least a couple others. My reason for this is that, in my opinion, much of the charm of an instrument like this is going to be in its idiosyncrasy, and this will be even more apparent when the tones are not all identical, and actually reflect some of the fragility and 'unevenness' of the original. Note I'm not suggesting you use them all, but at least use several of the best ringing samples for your library. Just a thought...
I love these historical, restoration, music making, sample library creation videos - amazing! keep em coming :)
I LOVE these videos. I found my new favorite channel 😭 Thank you for being here!!! ❤
The fact that you always turn the unstrument into a plugin is too amazing. You are simply great! Thank you
I like that toy for what it is, lots of technical metal folding and forming... a combination of multiple materials that all come together as a toy that probably indirectly inspired someone, somewhere to make music.
Another beautiful video - thank you, David! It's wonderful to think how this charming little instrument is now able to ring out across the world - instead of rusting away in a landfill. It all could never have been foreseen.
This just kept getting better. The toy itself, what it looks like opened up, the crazy Deagan one, the conversion to Decent. Awesome!