
Damn that opening was f#cking DOPE.


Soon as blue shade came on.... I knew this edit would be epic... great song choice and editing is on point as everything created by butter


I started bladin when i was 10 now im 32 and my freaking kness are fucked up from roof drops oversize stair cases big ass gaps eatin shit from switch ups on rails but i never complain it was all worth it shit i still think about picking up bladin again but probably skate park street is a big difference


Sicc track, nice edit, but that johnny bravo dude was tha freshest. 🇩🇪 Greets


Sick one, keep em coming ButterTV


Thats was great!!! Honestly pumprd for the next one!!


Always fireee


edit makes me wanne cop the adidas sweatpants in three different colors as well. dope clips




lol 1:35  hahahaha good stuff


Are any of you in contact with Matt Sloan or Chris Cox, the creators of Small Shots? I don't know if Chris is still a part of "Butter TV" but there are people out there who wish to see Small Shots again. In particular, there's a woman called Shiwana who was filmed in an episode called The Great Grandfather who wanted to show her grandchildren the episode.



Dope aight




so so sick