One of my favorite sayings is “not every day will be good but there is some good in every day.” 🥰
"Are you excited?" I unconciously smiled 😆 your positivity is contaigious❤
Thanks for the timely positivity. Hurricane Beryl threw 2 trees at my house. No power, no water, 100 degree F (40ish C) temps, and major structural damage! Currently couch surfing and probably will be for months.... But hopefully the view at the end of all this will be nicer.
You walked up the stairs in such a clean manner i thought i was becoming a kitty cat
“So retro, right?” Me when my shits broken too😂
That is indeed a view worth the crappy room
I feel like Cliff would be the perfect guide for people afraid of haunted houses. Like, he would be my #1 choice to go to Silent Hill with.
Literally beautiful message, nice job, Cliff.
Staring the video with a run up the stairs and jumping straight back into talking normally. What a display of cardiovascular health!!
That little whimper of excitement was so cute🥺
You know what, we don't all live in 5 star hotels. Kinda nice to see reality on YouTube. Thanks Cliff!
… idk how but you said exactly what would cheer me up
I've been neglecting my cleaning and my home is in disarray. Time to spend some time to "Fix It"! Thank you for your positivity and encouraging posts.
"so retro, right?" 😂 Jokes aside, that was a lovely message, I think I needed that little reminder 😊💕
That reveal at the end, with the gradual fade-in and the music, was nothing short of beautiful. Thank you for sharing.
I agree. Thank you, Cliff, for always being a bright light in any day - even the dark ones. ❤❤
"retro" is such a nice euphemistic way to put it. 😂 wonderful, positivity all around. hope the view distracted all the energy from attacking you in your sleep!
Man, I really needed this today. Thank you.
Today has been a particularly rough day, personally, and I really needed this. Thank you for raining sunshine 🤍