It is a demonstration of childish behavior in all 3 reasons.. Thanks for insight!
Doesn't matter...says a lot about him...if he can't talk to me about issues like a grown man, he can go!
A man told me he ignores women to get them to chase him. He revealed this to me because it wasn't working with me and it frustrated him. I don't chase period.
Whoever trying to figure out why men ghost or ignore you in 2024 is mind blowing put yourself first remember the tables always turn
If he continues to do these 3 things, he'll probably continue to have failed relationships .
I feel like something everyone forgets to think about or talk about is that ignoring someone never has a good outcome as talking and understanding each other.
Ignore a woman she moves on
I refuse to put up with avoidant immature behaviors.
The problem is with that woman. If a man ignores a woman she needs to move on. Too stressful.
And hes going to lose a good woman for all 3 reasons
Manipulation That Why He Is Silent
When a man does that to me, I give him the same energy because I don't have time. He gets CRICKETS from me until he can't take it anymore then he finally man up and communicate. Works EVERY TIME..
Give 'em the same energy they give you. I'll enjoy the peace 😂
If f*ck around and find out was a picture it is me. Go ahead and ignore me. My attention is like a light switch. Flip it on and flip it off when no longer needed. 🤷🏾♀️ I’m in therapy
It’s because he or she wants to ignore you. They either running game, or not interested in you.
If he ignores me instead of confronting, then he is a coward. He should man up and tell me my mistakes. I am always ready to apologize. No one is perfect, remember that
Godly men with good character don’t do any of these mind games these worldly men you speak of do
Now I realize why is he ignoring me the problem is not me and this is not the first time he’s done this to me. I loved him a lot. I cannot stop thinking about him, but now I do because he don’t respect me my time he always tells me he loves me, but I don’t think so so it’s time for me to move on. Thank you Coach.