shout out to Monica for sounding like every manager EVER
I don't know why everyone is saying Pewdiepie was mean. He gave him a 3% discount?
Hila wasn't in the video because PewDiePie charges per fan
Watching Felix try to act like a douche is just adorable.
A moment of silence for all those who took this video seriously
I love how "Monica" retains the same energy level as a Walmart customer service employee.
The actor behind Monica in this video does such a good job of being the polite but frustrated manager - I love it.
I’m just imagining Ethan pitching this video idea to Felix
This should just be a regular reality show where h3h3 is constantly trying to collab with Pewdie and the communication is just not working.
Monica made me think it was real, props to her acting
i just love the fact that felix cant keep a straight face half the time.
3% Discount on 50,000, THAT'S A GREAT PRICE
Telling by the title, I see Ethan paid extra.
that monica lady is a great actress i think that's why people got fooled for how real she sounds as an assistant
I wonder how many people took it seriously
11:27 Pewdiepie gets out of character and laughs and then remembers about him being serious about everything.
Wow Ethan didn't even link the channel in the description. How are we supposed to find this guy's channel now?
When Hila walks in... Ethan: "You're not in this episode..."
Felix is a really good actor.