I love how Jackie chan is so innocently holding a gun asking.. "what" haha... rush hour and life are the best movie bloopers hands down
i will never forget how the whole theater was howling with laughter during that waxing scene from "40 year-old virgin"
Love how Jackie Chan is so genuine
I loved The Ugly Truth when it came out and still do
Luckily for Ewan, him hiding his laughter while saying, “killing younglings”, makes it look like he’s so disturbed by the thought
The Ugly Truth was hilarious.
My favorite part of the Debbie Downer sketch is Horatio wiping his eyes with a Mickey waffle.
Liar Liar was one of Carrey's best and highly successful films. What's your problem?
The ugly truth was a great movie! So funny and sweet! I hope it made a bunch of money and they suck on that.....❤
This is like 90% commentary and 10% bloopers.
The narrator talks more than the actors.
All bloopers of Jackie Chan movie never failed to makes my family laugh.
Jim Carrey's elevator scene must have been so hard to get through....😉 Who wouldn't break character seeing "those" ....😉😉😉
I wanted to watch the whole video..but as usual there is more voice over than actual video clip!
I’ll agree; the lineup scene from The Usual Suspects was probably one of the most realistic moments ever filmed in movies. A bunch of guys asked to improve a ridiculous line one at a time….That’s EXACTLY how it would go. 🤣🤣
I remember some of my acting classes everybody messed up lines and it can be so funny - I do remember trumping during a scene and everyone cracked up lol 🤣🤣
Apparently, I just came here to listen to someone narrate the bloopers...
Wow, a channel that puts in less effort that WhatCulture.....I never thought it was possible
7:27 Hello are you Blind? He's supposed to be shocked that Anakin is capable of doing such a thing!