
Getting to uncrate your own bike is outrageous!!  Your excitement is palpable!!  Watching your collab with Brian636 was awesome.


Definitely the definition of cute but crazy


The energy you’re putting out there is truly contagious! Love the video


Same Here. I just bought a ZX10R. My first liter bike as well. Can’t wait. It’s said to be delivered today


Honestly Girl, PLEASE be careful those bikes are seriously fast and speed is a drug that is very addictive, good to see you are getting the right gear but again BE CAREFUL.


I need more videos like this! Just video I watched when I woke up and now I’m in a good mood!


Got my Zx10 only 3 months ago and I love it, have fun!


Congratulations boo I’ve seen you from back when you talked to that cop on the other bike and now you got a zx10r so proud of you


Your excitement levels are up in outer space they're that high 😂 could literally feel your joy radiating through the video! Lol. Even the little bunny hops came out when unpacking it 😅 Glad you're so happy Caro, all love to see it. The bike & helmet are both super awesome. Ride safe & have an absolute blast! 🔥 vlog too!


When you instantly fall in love. With the sillyness and her smile at the same time🤯🤩🤩🤩🤩🫠🫠🫠


Carolina congratulations on the liter bike. The excitement is crazy. You deserve it. Ride safe and welcome back.🎉


Her drinking an energy drink and zero sleep is so me😭😂


“Those are not farts” had me ded😂 I got so excited and happy for you dude💙I love how when the camera comes out, Oso jumps in the shot😂 super happy for you Caro💙🫶also what’s the bunny’s name?😅


Your funny and love your energy, great bike by the way,😂:face-green-smiling::hand-pink-waving:


HECK YEAH!!! Let’s goooo!!! 💚💚💚🦾🥷🏽💃🏻


“Sometimes I poop my pants when I think about it” 

Instantly subscribed 😍😂


congrats on the new bike beautiful lady safe riding and have fun


I've owned 2 ZX10s  love those bikes finally went to an H2 and man the H2 is probably the craziest bike I've owned.Congrats on the purchase


0:04 "Those are not farts" 😂😂 good choice of motorcycle btw!


Even the bunny is smart enough to wear a seatbelt.