
I went on a mission for free. My family got help with food and rent multiple times growing up. My single mom still gets help with rent. The church is usually among the first to show up during a disaster. The church as a whole is prepared to take care of itself in any crisis that the future holds, without needing government assistance. Do I need to go on?


“They have all this money why are they building this building? They could be out feeding poor people.” - Judas Iscariot.


I've met a very few members who don't like how we buy up large properties everywhere.  Most everyone else is happy that we have the ability to buy anything at all! Our history in the early days was painfully impoverished.


Love the way you interview your guest, and how you give them plenty of room to speak after each of your questions and how you really show interest for more knowledge and wisdom.
Thanks im looking forward for this episode.


They got upset because there were illegal accounts in companies funneling to businesses that were non-church investments. Yes, they proved it was being misused lol.


This was a good episode


Looks awesome as always! Can’t wait to watch.


Love Casey!


The Mormon church has to keep building to keep their tax exempt status!  It’s all smoke n mirrors.


Better than 36 Trillion in debt am I right?


Love all your content!! Stoked to dive deeper into this one!


Make it a trillion!


My big problem with the big reserve is just how little a budget the stake/ward/branches get for use. I was shocked when I joined ward council as RS president and heard the numbers. It’s a bit unrealistic for 2025 and the economic climate the world is in.


Excited for this episode


If someone dismantles aid groups... the Church becomes even more important. 
You can't rely on politicians.


Where can I watch this episode? I'm interested!


Now the question should be, “Is $300 Billion enough?”


Cant wait for this


People need to understand the difference between a reserve or endowment versus hoarding a bunch of money. An endowment’s  purpose is to perpetually pay for things therefore, the money that is used is only the money that is generated by the endowment (interest/dividends etc). The larger the pile the more money and can generate if invested wisely perpetually Harvard has endowments most Ivy League schools have them they do not spend the actual dollars of the endowment only the income it generates this is wise, the church is being wise.


This looks awesome!