
There's many lore channels and stat crunching gameplay channels, your work distills the joy of playing these games in my opinion, we'll always be around for more content


2 and half hour Candle vid is a banger Christmas gift


Watch an unhealthy number of souls youtubers but your content is a cut above the rest


Thank you for being honest, talking through your thought process, and not min-maxing. Also thank you for being honest in your criticism! This is cinema.


This video was a damn near 10 pleasure rating. Congratulations on completing your challenge 👏


Thank you Candle, very cool!


“On the first day of Christmas my true love gave to me…”

“Babe not now I’m watching Candle’s new video!”


Please never stop making videos 😭 you are my favorite favorite thank youuuuuuuu so muuuuuuuuuch


I recently finished my lvl 1 run and it really helped me to know if a boss is well designed or not so much. The absolute best are messmer, godfrey and maliketh, I even enjoyed fighting PC Radahn, putrescent knight and gaius a lot. On the other hand, I didn't enjoyed bayle because the camera wasn't as good as I thought it was, the sunflower, Rykard and especially fire giant. It was an amazing experience and I really recommend it, can't wait to do it in dark souls 3!


When the world needed him most, he returned. Thank you!!


I swear you and Gred Glintstone are telepathically linked


The best part of lvl 1 is truly needing to deeply engage with a bosses mechanics and move set. My run made me realize Messmer is the greatest boss they’ve ever created and with the lore, aesthetic, design, etc I don’t even think it’s close for me personally. Maliketh also tore off my skin and wore it like a funny hat, easily the most I have ever died to a single boss in any game.


Congrats on Malenia! Great video, thanks again candle


Thank you Candle! Merry Christmas!


Well done!

Ice Spear at RL1 carried through the entire game its OP in a good way 1:46:31

Our views on RadaBeast being the hardest boss are also shared😅


As you uploaded this I'm starting a new run and seeing how far I can get at level 1, also just sword and shield for the first time. It definitely makes you slow down and enjoy the scenery.


Man, I'm not much of a commenter, but ive just gotta say your videos are incredibly entertaining. I'm always to see a new one pop up. Keep up the good work!


Greatly timed video, I just finished Malenia on my first lvl 1 run yesterday, and heading into the dlc soon. She took me 19 hours and over 300 attempts to do on lvl 1 (with only claymore)


“Countering cheddar with edam” is my new favorite phrase to describe Godskin Duo. Fantastic vid.


Very nicely done mate, grats on beating Malenia at lvl 1!