
They do not have OUR rights when they come here ILLEGALLY, why should they get a trial at the tax payers expense other than to fill your pocket.


Let's hope the supreme court does their job




😂😂😂😂You democrats on msdnc never learn.


Make Americans safe get them out of here 😂


I Am All For Trump  👍


Shame on MSNBC


The judge does not want gangs out of the US. That needs an investigation


why are  your people care about none US criminals than US citizens safety? will you allowing these criminals around your love ones.....why why why?


Trump is NUTS


Get em outa here!!!!


Give Trump an inch and he will take a Constitution. 🔥


I became a US citizen 17 years ago, I am a Latina and I told my boss that I was going to make a copy of my passport and she was like you don’t have to do that. You are a citizen and I said yeah but I don’t have blue eyes and blonde hair like you. even if you were not a US citizen they will not stop you. They will stop me if we were together even if I was born in USA


Keep trying Libs. But never forget this is TRUMP country now. The people have spoken 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


They have NO “due process” according to the Act!


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣SCOTUS will back Trump. Stay tuned


"Judicial abuse occurs when judges substitute their own political views for the law." ~ Lamar S. Smith
      SCOTUS has forgotten they swore (or affirmed)   "I will support and defend the  Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic;
"When a court goes too far, it actually weakens our respect for judicial institutions." ~ Newt Gingrich 
Will SCOTUS be faithful to that Oath, substitute their political views for the law or follow the directions of the Oligarchs that fund their vacations and other perks?


Article II folks.  Like it or not.  I also recommend that you review Article III.  You may notice there is nothing there saying 'checks and balances', 'equal branches', or that the courts have any power to compel the Excutive branch to do anything in Article II.  You see the Executive is held in check by the state governors and the will of the people.  Remember your hero FDR and the camps, for example.  Judges have no power to do anything.  They just rule of cases based on law.  They are the weakest branch by design since they are not elected.


Old enough to remember when American’s didn’t vote for the presidency to be transformed into a dictatorship.  Crazy times.


Pray for the conservative judge that's holding her ground. Her family is receiving threats. Let's hope that she doesn't fold.