
I used to play this game a lot when I was in high school (around 2002). Twenty years have passed in the blink of an eye, and I really miss playing games with my friends.


No, I’m not crying, it’s just a bit of nostalgia in my eyes


The footsteps sounds in the old cs is the most asmr sound I have ever heard


And to think that this game is already 25 years old, I miss the times when I used to go to Internet cafes just to play this.


I'm 31 and I still play this map with my friends every Thursday night


Ahhh yes, this takes me back


This was the first map and the first game i ever player in my life, so many memories


Me and my dad would play this game for hours by taking turns. I used to wait for him to return from work and then we would sit together to play this. Those days were truly something. Love you dad you were the best :)


I remember i ask my dad "Dad, i want a game about shooting" and my dad installing this game on his laptop, he got CS 1.6 from his friend. Huge thank you for my dad friend and my dad:))


Ohh the good old days...man i miss them :(


My childhood nostalgia... still remember going to the cybercafe just to play this game after school... what a memory... i miss my childhood... that was my best time 😢😢


Damn cs 1.6 this is my blessing childhood.))) I remember this map its "assaut", and i like "estate", "office" and all versions "de dust" . But my favorite was short maps like "poolday", "the snow" and "orange".


Broooo the memories...I was talking with a friend and we randomly reminisced about way back when we used to play and  how we used to love this map. Must've had hundreds of thousands of games on this map, fun times and great memories.


We had spent our child hood playing CS in Cyber Cafes


Drinking Surge, and running home from school to play this game. The good ol days. I miss being a kid. Times have changed and it's not the same anymore.


В 2000 году часто с одноклассниками играли в компьютерном клубе) 
А сейчас мне 37 лет




so many memories connects to this map. I am 37 in 2024 and i believe that this map represents many gamers' juveniles and so hard to describe the vibes and passions that to be given by this map with human languages.


When ct team say "Go Go Go" perfect ❤


I have never been a big fan of this game but I always loved head shots positioning in the roof tops😄 anyway, it was nice times for who were teenagers around 2000-2005😎