I think the word "Hate" is a little strong for his relationships with his peers !
I do like Clapton but I've heard he's not very nice.
I lost the interest in Clapton after Derek and the Dominos. He went into this " lounge music" mode.
TLDR: EVH, jeff beck, blackmore, zappa, Townshend, rita coolidge, robert cray
What instrumental has Clapton written he sings with guitar solos certainly no Chet Atkins
The piano coda was the making of Layla for me, a bit like Peter Green's Oh well (part 2) for which, he said, part 1 was a kind of prelude. Rita Coolidge has every right to feel hard done by. Pink Floyd settled with Clare Torry (?) for her vocal on The Great Gig in the Sky, eventually. It's never too late to do the right thing, as the saying goes. Slán.
Clapton peaked in Cream. Since then he became a cookie cutter, guitarist wondering in his rock star world, rehashing sameness. Stagnant and dull.
The only beef I ever had with Eric is ,as technically good his guitar playing is, he has absolutely no stage presence!
I'm glad to know it's not just me. thanks for posting.
That's a big pile of horse hockey.