
Great mum quote "The best food is food made for you". ❤ it


Please cherish your mama (I'm sure you do). Not everyone is blessed with a positive relationship with family. It's beautiful to see the two of you together.


Your mom is a doll! And you’ve been the most Canadian I’ve seen you be in this video.


I screamed; You’re literally right above my dad’s house. That forest road leads to the most incredible view of the lake(s) 🤩


To travel with her Mother, what an important service and blessing for Both.


I like how your mom said the best food is food made for you. Facts! I agree!!


Your energy is infectious!  As far as fishing,  there is no substitute for experience.   Keep trying,  be patient,  and stay positive.   You'll be catching fish in no time!


So beautiful harmony with your mom,Madison!Cherish the moments when you can be together.And with Kyro,of course!He must not be missing,He is a good watchman and companion.I


I have only discovered your channel like a week ago but I have binged almost all of your videos! I love that you keep all the natural sounds and not put music over all the "dead air".  I watch these videos for the nature,  not the music.
I'm sure there will be a day you can catch and then clean a fish for dinner haha


Great to see your mom again. Great video


These videos are a huge shot of positive energy. I love them


Be so so careful going into those old mines. Never touch the rock on the ceiling because you could cause rocks to fall down on you. My dad, who was a geologist used to take us into these old mines in the Okanagan, and that was always his rule for us.


You're going to love and be blown away by Utah.  Can't wait to see where you explore. I have many suggestions but I'm sure you already have your agenda.  Looking forward to your videos.


I love that you get to and want to, spend time with you mom..
We only get to have them for a short time, so enjoy every moment..
You did ok cooking, this time, and you fishing will improve..
God bless you, much respect.


I love how both you and your mom are adventurous I see where kyro gets it😂 I am also following ur footsteps by venturing camping sites here in the Philippines. I hope to see more of ur videos more often❤❤❤


Loved that doggo shot at the end 😂🐶


Awwww ❤ love that your Mom is passionate about nature adventures as you


Super cool abandoned mine! Your mom was exactly how mine would be in there! 
Super excited for you to explore my home state of Utah! :)


Light hearted Camping in the cold. Cheers from Germany


love seeing you do this with your mom! she’s so sweet and her accent is so cute! you always inspire me to get out there ❤