
Lalu Yadav, Nitish Kumar and Sushil Modi are college friends and they are basically same type of person.
I hate them all.
Aapas me power politics ke chakkar me pura Bihar ka beda gark kar kiya hai in teeno ne.


LOL, kind of sad people still blindly vote for RJD in first place. I mean its the lowest of low among already bad landscape of political parties in India.


He wants always be a cm. What he had done to bihar being eight times. He wants kursee
instead of development


No one is forgotten

SAM here


1) MNC cutting lakh jobs in USA in 1 day
2) amul raised milk price
3) promoters raising flat prices , where are 2 crore affordable flats ready as told by Honble PM ( subrambham swamy , mp ) 
4) cancer / diabetes / stroke / TB / heart attack / aids / STD  capital of world

Still only 500+ MEDICAL COLLEGES

5) Raju shrivastava
Jubeen Garg
Still not 1 neurologist / cardiologist / onco surgeon / oncomedicine /gynaecologist / neonatologist/ ophthalmologist / anaesthesiologist heart surgeon in every 25000+ POLICE STATION AREA

How we can complete with rest of world if we can't have HEALTHCARE of global standards ?