Your voice is amazing!!! No joke you could be a artist with it that’s how good it is!
Journals is his best album for sure rip bizzle😔
I LOVE THIS!!💜I was hoping to find a video about his songs
Flatline is His Best Song For Me.. Swap it Out Too.. 😊
we love a queen that is both belieber and directioner
Girl love me like you do is so good how do you not know it and flatline is like one of his best songs are you alright😭
I agree with you with One less lonely girl! One of his best songs for sure
Your regular talking voice is very soothing
Beauty and a beat love yourself and boyfriend are my top 3 justin bieber songs
Love this sm 💜🥺
Hello, Mya Joelle. it is a surprisingly pleasant video. thanks. :)
Jb legend
Good video! Can you rank his newest album Justice? Also you seem like such a nice person!
The original where are you now slaps!
I was kindof waiting for where would u place Despacito Remix.. and it didn't even made it to the list.. 😹😹 btw great video..
journals #1☝️😀
nice tier list DO ANOTHER
I'm really surprised there aren't more videos of people ranking jb songs