
I hope you all enjoy this one. It's been in the works for months and I'm so excited to finally share it! I personally couldn't be happier with how it turned out, but I'm curious to know what you think. Let me know and have a great weekend!


I freakin‘ love this creation! I think if you kept on perfecting this design you could at one point sell them for serious money! This thing is gorgeous!


This has got to be one of the most stunning builds I've ever seen. You always deliver; you should be so proud of your work


What an amazing design! In 14 minutes you made it look so easy but the quality and attention to detail reflects HOURS and HOURS of careful planning and execution. This kind of project truly captures the essence of your channel. Thank you so much for sharing this with us, Tanner!


Thank you for sharing your failures. I’m working on an ambitious build that went from one week (during my vacation) to now going on 6 weeks. I’ve learned a lot, redone virtually every step, and thankfully it’s nearing completion. It’s nice to know that even the experts still have to redo/reimagine projects. 💚


This is mindblowing as usual, I used your methods in building my first vivarium a couple days ago and everything went great. Thanks and cheers from Sweden!


This is so EPIC. Your wife and you must be over the moon at how gorgeous and classy this looks in your home. All that work, with such a rich payoff of beautiful nature in your home, bringing it in with you.


Tanner, how DARE you be so incredibly awesome at making beautiful pieces of living art!


Wow. This is the kind of thing I would fill my home with if I ever had the money for such skilled furniture creators!

It’s SO lush, luxurious, natural and calming.

I could sit and watch this forever just mesmerised by the water.

Thank you so much for sharing!


I think a light diffuser to hide the individual LEDs would elevate this build to the next level. Either way, beautiful table!


I can literally see your improvements over your previous mistakes from earlier projects. Resin + fiberglass in the corner = genius. Im still stuck in the liquid rubber era.  I think this is one of your most impressive terrariums. If not The most impressive. Great job man. It's really good.


Been watching the channel for awhile, and I think you always find a way to outdo yourself with each incredible build. That being said, holy heck- this really feels like you leveled up the entire terrarium hobby. Beautiful work!


A great way to make a mundane object like a coffee table into something beautiful. Love it. Great job, and thank you for including the failed attempts. So many creators just give you the best result without showing the failures that lead to the perfection. Great job sir!❤😊


when people talk about having furniture or tables as "conversation pieces" i always usually roll my eyes but this is INCREDIBLE
coolest table i've ever seen


This is incredible. This is the sort of thing you’d find in a billionaire’s home. Like their whole dining table one bit terrarium with waterfalls. It’s beautiful, it’s art, it’s natural, it’s functional. This really has every box ticked. Stunning work. I really love that you’re getting to push your expertise with some challenging builds, and take on projects that are true masterpiece works of art. We are lucky we get to witness their creation.


This table was definitely worth all the effort you put into it. It’s absolutely beautiful and such a talk piece for anyone lucky enough to share that space with you & place a drink on it. And then they’ll look and look and pick up their drink glass to look further! A great scape Tanner!!


This is such a unique idea!!! You keep me striving to use my imagination to its fullest extent!


This man has more nature inside his home than nature itself. 😊


A beautiful display of your talent! It appears as though the waterfall continues through the floor. A masterpiece of living art for sure!


8:00 I've been wanting to build a massive overflow tank. And so I TRULY THANK YOU. For showing the errors and the positives of this build... I will definitely lacquer all of my wood and epoxy anything I think might get wet! Thanks Tanner! 😊 

Yours truly, one of the OG SerpaSquad Members... Farstrider Out!