
A useful addition - a lot of universities (at least in Australia) have an Open Access deal with publishers, where they pay a certain amount to cover the Open Access fee for the researcher. Always check this (because information wants to be free!) because it could save you thousands, or get your paper published open access when it might otherwise not be.


Andy u alw make my day with your brilliant humor thank u 🤓


We actually have a publisher independent journal recommender that will show you the highest-impact journals for your manuscript.


Make video for pharmacist


Thank you for sharing, Andy. I have a question or suggestion for the next videos. What is the best way to find conferences for publishing papers? I'm new to the academic environment, and my advisor has asked me to locate some conferences for a recent study that I have. Is there a tool similar to "Journal Finder" that helps identify conferences based on an abstract? Thank you!


Not every journal included in the Scopus index is credible. While there are credible publications outside of Scopus that preserve high academic standards, some predatory journals have succeeded in becoming indexed. Critical evaluation of every magazine is crucial.


Q1 just generally rejects.
Better to target lower quartiles.


So, my supervisor is a relatively nice guy and easy to work with but, my project was suppose to be about one thing, the thing I'm interested in, and now it's focussing more on something he's interested in and the thing that brought me to him in the first place, is almost like a bit that we might get to in the end if there's time. And the thing it's morphed into is not interesting to me at all.

Would you have any advice please regarding this as I'm getting a bit pissed off by it. Moreover, I'm only 8 months into the PhD (Australian timeframe - so 2.5 to 3 years left, hopefully) and so I feel there is perhaps time to do something about it still?



Can someone please suggest me some fast publication journals for SCIE Web of Science index?






So many advertising, 3 blocks in 3 minutes 😢


Why are u so randy


😄Thanks a lot for the informative video Andy. But I had a question, relating to undergraduate research projects.

I live in india, and finished my undergrad last year, in B. Tech. Engineering Physics (recieved my degree 19th Dec 2024). In my university, the policy encourages the final year students to culminate their final year project with a research paper- which is what I wanted to do as well. And the reason of me being anxious about this is I want to make a career in academics (Astronomy/Astrophysics), and so I was hoping to have a publication under my name. So enough with the backstory and sorry for the yapping, here's the point of my concern- I presented my paper in a conference, and later they asked for the name of the journal my group (the research project was in the field of Material Science, specifically Piezoelectric Nanogenerators, where I was working with my two other classmates, who are also the co-authors in the paper) would like to publish in. This happened around March 2024 (precisely 15th March, 2024). And after that, just some updates scattered from time-to-time, such as some comments, or addition of alt-text for the graphs and images, etc. etc., but other than that, nothing. Can you please help me understand the timeline of how does publishing a research paper works? And the expected duration, as in, if my paper was to be accepted finally, when can I actually see my work as added to academia, or even (the only way that is within the limits of what I, as an inexperienced undergraduate researcher, can think of to check for the same, and is also accessible to me) find it on google scholar? If there is any other way to check at what stage of getting published has the paper reached or how far into the future can I expect it to be published, please to tell. Thank you.