Loving this song!
Just heard this on AccuRadio.. When I saw it was Con Funk Shun, I was like...."waaaaiiiit a minute...... this doesn't sound like the 70's/80's Con Funk Shun, they have a new song out"? Sure nuff they do, had to look it up. I like it!
wow this is a bad ass song for thier comeback! i love it
Great song from the '80's funk band!
Love this song ❤️
My type of music Love it
I like it !!!!!!!!!
Mahalo MsCharlieBrown78,this song is hot!I bet you can get funky huh?
Con Funk Shun - Your Night
Thanks with love
ohhh yes charlie:-*
dident kno they had a new song out?? as in confunkshun from years ago?
YES, the sound of Ol'skool is back. Today's music is very WACK! ! ! Lacking substance. . .like eating donuts all day and night. . .very unhealthy. Ol'skool music is green vegetables / New skool music is cotton candy :-)