
My toxic trait is loving this type of banter whilst knowing if anyone ever spoke to me like that i’d cry


Damn that was immediate sparks. They were both enjoying themselves way too much and it’s awesome


Tv show name:  working moms


"most people are taller when they stand up." 🔥🔥🔥


If they're both single parents, they ain't gonna be for much longer


Ok, that banter was probably the best I have heard in a while; you know you’ve won when all that they can come up with is cuss words


Her eyes at the end were asking "when and where" in regards to his last retort


The calmest argument I have even seen😂


“Most people are taller when  they stand” and they’re both at eye level with each other


The look in her eyes as she said it was telling me that his answer could have been “if you want” and she would have been so down😂😂😂


Working Moms. We started watching this right when we had our first kid. Man the stress and baby stuff was real. Honestly great show. Real WILD at times. Catherine Reitman definitely got the family talent. Great director, writer and actress.


This is wat I call love


When abusers and narcissists find each other, it's amazingly beautiful. They really should leave the rest of us alone and stick to their own kind. 😂😂


This is how I communicate with the people I truly love, and they hate it


This is exactly how my best friend and I are. We insult and are mean to each other all the time, but we know neither of us mean it.


I never understood this as flirting when I saw it on movies or tv shows growing up until I had it with a girl myself. We would work together and argue, shout and swear at each other but it wasnt out of anger or hatrid for one another but just something that we did and we both found it fun. I remember that one day we were working and she yelled at me to get something so I told her to doing herself and she said "make me" and then I said I will if you dont do what I say and then we both said yeah back and forth while getting closer and my god I have never felt more arroused in my life up until that moment as she and I had that much chemistry I didnt even have to think. I wanted to kiss the girl until I realised we were infront of a ton of people and legit everyone in our store was staring at us so we just swore at each other again and walked off but those people are very special and when you find one its the most fun you will have with someone.


“My room, ten minutes.”


Why they look like they meant it at the end 😂😂😂 "f you" has been taken to a new level by them.


Ok, this is the banter that I live for. It's obvious that its not malicious, it's clear flirtation & they're both into it which I LOVE!


The tension in the last part was...... I'm dying