
Sir spooks in video #5, I don’t know why 3 people would go for a walk in the dark with no flash lights or anything.


I remember watching those werewolf/dogman videos back in the early-2010s while trying to find scary videos.


about the last video...
Not CGI, just costume, and an awareness of the limitations
of your camera's ability to focus at distance.

Dress some one in all black, with a balaclava to cover their face
maybe even soot to blacken exposed skin
then set the scene with the focus on the person much closer,
and time the entrance of the "alien" into the scene.

Done and done; the lack of focus does the rest.


#2 "Like a wolf jumping on 2 feet"
A) How in the hell do you see any similarity to a wolf?
B) Why wasn't his camera moving anywhere while he was walking?


I really don’t understand why someone who wants to be a paranormal investigator just panics and runs away whenever something paranormal manifests. It’s like someone who wants to became a surgeon but faints away whenever looking at blood


The guy who was camping in CA and thinks he recorded a werewolf; It looks to me like a California Condor/Buzzard. They're huge and hop like that


Loved that potential dogman sighting -- videos like this (authenticity varying of course) are rarely seen by those not seeking it out. Great inclusion!


Kinda funny how that documentary bit in #2 used a Velociraptor skull for one of the werewolves lol


I tried Randonatica when it first came out one  time and it took me to were my friend was shot. I never used it again! I knew the area she was killed in but it took me to exact spot i had to search newspapers to find the exact spot and it really was! Freaked me out


I love the werewolf clip. it made me piss myself when I saw the trail cam footage. Was that a blue denim shirt he was wearing😂😂😂


2 gummies+ sir spooks = epic evening 😊


#5 Two drunk American teenage girls mumble some unintelligible words in the dead of night, in the middle of knowhere.


10:39 - Ya Boi captured a Fury in the Wild, truly terrifying. 

Jokes Jokes, though I do think it is just someone in a Fury Costume...


Those are some horrifying  pot holes in that road!


It is night - check
I have no lights on - check
Let’s begin. 🎉


Oh my, especially video 3 is the hardest thing to watch.  I know it's older, but potato video is torture....worse than the video is supposed to be scary.


I’m going through some family shit atm and it’s really getting me down so you’ve no idea how welcome your video distraction is. Thank you 🙏 xxx


Loved this video ive not seen any of those clips before! Much better this week cos last weeks was no bad (no offence) anyway keep up the good work,I can't wait to see the new episode.. ❤


Werewolves rock denim jackets now


I know people hating on the randonautica clip but main dude got either a knife or a watch on. You can see it reflect 1:50 - 2:00