
Stop calling Canadians confused. We're crystal clear about what's happening.


Im Canadian and its not the tarrifs pissing me off but the threat to my country thats pissing me off.


"We don't need anything from Canada" but goes crazy when Canada threatens to cut electricity to them.


Curious. Canada sells its oil to the US at 10-15% off the world price but he’s never complained about Canada under pricing that commodity!❤❤❤❤❤


Saying Canadians are angry is not correct.  That is an extreme understatement


Trumps rhetoric about Canada becoming a 51st state does not only upset our politicians, there is not one CANADIAN that finds it amusing ,we find it insulting


Two pandemics hit America back to back …COVID and stupidity.


I hope we all know that it doesn't matter who is in the 'top job' because this is a systemic problem -- greed. We have allowed many of our economic sectors, to take advantage of the American people. It's disgusting and frightening for the future of our country. My wife and I will be retiring in the next two years n another country. We are absolutely worried that SSI will no longer be funded. we'll have to rely on my pension, a 403 (b) and a very prolific lnvestment account with my Abby Joseph Cohen my FA. Our national debt is bloating and expanding every month. Our government needs to get spending under control and cut the federal budget


I'm from the USA. The day we use military against our neighbor, I'll be joining the Canadian military. Absolutely unacceptable. 

Edit: to those doubting me -  America is a land ruled by the rich and they've done nothing but exploit and steal from me and my entire family. I have nothing here, no future, no home, no money, no kids.

Canada is actually good to it's neighbors and good to their own people. I am not going to be loyal to a country that has abused me my entire life. I'd rather risk it all to be part of a country that will actually respect me and take care of my family.


Don't ever confuse our kindness and politeness with weakness.


Canadians are not angry; we are furious. As a people we abhor bullying and will never bow to it.


Trumps rhetoric about Canada becoming a 51st state does not only upset our politicians, there is not one CANADIAN that finds it amusing ,we find it insulting😅😅😅😅😅


I'm an American who lives in Denver Colorado and if you're a Canadian reading this message I love support and appreciate our neighbors to the north


As a conservative Canadien, I was never a big fan of Ms. Freeland. However, she was a chief negotiator for the USMCA. She is a very smart lady, well spoken, and rarely gets ruffled. Now compare that to Trump and his people.


Britian stands with Canada. You are not alone! 🇬🇧 🤝 🇨🇦


I am Canadian . My cousin nearly died in Afghanistan . Canadians have died fighting wars that we supported the U.S. in .


Canadians aren't confused. American are the ones who are confused. Americans have no idea how much their international identity is being dragged through the gutter right now. Every country is thinking twice about involving themselves with America right now


Lies lies lies his constant disrespect and untrue attacks on Canada is getting old


Thank you to the Americans who are supporting Canada here on this board and across the US. I love traveling to the US, New York being my favorite. However, I can't in good conscience cross the border. My stomach is in knots when I think of the damage he (can't even write his name) has done to one of the greatest relationships any two countries in the world can share.💙💙💙💙💙💙💙


Asian here stand with Canada