
I've watched this video twice, at the premiere and now again, I'm amazed with the detailed and careful investigation, which is even more useful for me and my project as well. Special thanks for the images of the architecture decoration details and engineering devices.
On of the best 'ancient' channels on Youtube. ❤


Another amazing video Irena! I love this Roman videos from your channel! Your work is superb, really great! I love it! ♥


Thanks! Irena the cat is watching this with me.


Your every comment gives me energy and encourages me to continue working on my little channel. I count on your likes and subscriptions!
I ask you to support my channel: like, comment and SUBSCRIBE! 
✌ Help me continue this!


Hello Irena 🎅🏼🎄
Merry Christmas dear.
Tfsharing your amazing videos - think they are always wonderful🕊


Hey ASG, I have been to Rome and seen the Colosseum...amazing place. I have a few questions if you don't mind me asking. Apparently it used to have a floor so water tight they could fill it with tons and tons of water and have mock navy battles as you said. Do you belive that is possible ?...I question that.
Did you go to the Pantheon ? apparently all the granite columns on the front were stolen from Egypt. Do you think that is true ?.
Last, did you go to the Vatican museum and film ?. Not sure if they let people film in there but they have an amazing collection. Anyway, happy Christmas to you and amazing camera man.


Beautiful shots and touching. The Colosseum is amazing.


I’ve just returned from Rome, and this video is excellent to help me understand what I saw at the Colosseum. Great video, thank you!


so much history is elucidated in each of Irena's steps... I'm very glad to have discovered this channel :) 🖐


i remember being there in '18, love rome so much, honestly was equally impressed by the baths of caracalla nearby to it. i got one of those tours there, and seeing this, when i go back, i really wanna make sure i see all of it, because i definitely missed out on some bits inside. i do remember that i got lost in the farther back bits of the forum though. you always have such great info, especially on the often glossed-over bits of history.


Nice video! Very interesting!


Am I not entertained? Yes I am ! A fascinating video. Thank you.


Zajefajne ujęcia. Super muza. Przyjemnie się to ogląda.


Dzięki za kolejną dawkę wiedzy, podaną jak zwykle w profesjonalny a zarazem uroczy sposób. I tak oto Rzym, przez chwilę stał się bogatszy o kolejną piękną Polkę.


Buenos Zeus Irina! Happy holidays and a happy new year! Thank you for the woderful tour along with its informations!


6:12  🤣  ⚔🎥


Voice and editing tho  👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


Another excellent video...really enjoying your content, pity the Romans best architecture was for Bread and Circuses


Yup, the Romans were great Artists, Architects, and Engineers. They were also deplorable to fellow human beings and animals. I would have loved to see the Colosseum at it's prime ( without all the grotesque murder). 🖖😁🤘🇨🇦


Amazing video, thanks 👌