
7:45 Nice that Necro doesn't stop Dizzy from checking on the opponent anymore.


2:04 "Be pro. Breakfast" such wise words!


Xrd Axl: "haha ez noobz"
Strive Axl: "gg homie, wanna grab some grub?"


I can’t get over how much I Love I-No’s design in Strive. Especially the glasses and hat


Everyone get a huge thigh buff but Faust, he got nerfed


Potemkin is so peak they didn’t even change the dialogue


We NEED the animation of Leo drinking the entire teapot back. I like his Strive winning animations but none of them top that one in my opinion.


Whoa millia looks better with her hair down in Strive




8:54 that little laugh from aba is soooo good


It’s honestly nice to see how much Arcsys improved with their animation




Still love Rev 2 in many MANY ways, but awesome to see how much nuance and details are changed in Strive that you may miss when not side by side.


Good job adding that bonus section to chars outside Xrd


God I'm still not over how good I-no's strive design is, all they did was give her a halter top and sunglasses and it somehow perfectly fits her change in character from "bitchy wild card" to "walking existential crisis"


i think its amazing how drastic in change you can see everyones outfits are in this video. for example Axl is wearing a fucking shit storm of an excuse of an outfit in Xrd and then in Strive he was finally able to put that shit On. the improvement in everyone is really lovely. And right across from that, the completely bare bones/no change Strive choices are also great, like Potempkin, Jack-O, and Johnny. To me that philosophy is you cant improve on perfection


ABA whispering and laughing with the key cracks me everytime.


I don’t hate either games, but I gotta say Rev 2 is pretty appealing. Admired the designs and how the world reacts each stage brings life

Played the game a few times but mostly for studying the art style


Millia had such a big glow up! I still can't believe it.


1:51 Prior to Strive, I-No just didn't care what she wore.