
Thps 4 is my fav! Love the bad voice acting, it's what makes it funny and fun. This game introduced me to skating in someways and i've been skating, watching skate videos and playing skate games ever since.


I am actually so surprised that only one person said their favorite game was THPS4. This is my favorite Tony Hawk game by a mile. (I love THUG2 as well) I'm a bit of a completionist and I love how all the money adds up perfectly to 100,000.00. It's great when a game heavily rewards you for getting everything in it. It was the first Tony Hawk I played and since then I've played the rest as well. But this game taught me to play. The goals are progressively more and more challenging and it was as if they knew exactly where my level of skill was at any given time. On top of that I loved the level design. I never felt like I was travelling anywhere because I could combo on my way there or just get lost comboing. Some challenges were insanely hard for me as a kid and when I beat them I felt amazing. I was so sad when it was coming to an end and then when the pro challenges came out I was so happy. I loved even finding all of the gaps. Gaps are pretty sick in my opinion because you can't see them so they make you see the world full of wonder. I didn't mind taking a day or more to get everything in a level before moving on to the next either, that was how I played and it was one of the best experiences I've ever had as a kid. it's a shame other people don't see this game the way I do I think it's one of the most well put together games ever made. I place it in my top 5 next to Ocarina, Banjo, Fez, and THUG2. (All collectathons lol)


THPS 4 was definitely my favourite regarding gameplay, maps and music...hell i discovered so many good hip hop artists through the thps games...nostalgia :]


THPS4 was the much needed bridge between THPS3 & THUG. Great video.


Does no one remember the gamecube edition? Dont be sleepin on my favorite console


THPS4, the game that got me into skateboarding, I still play it sometimes on my old ps2 :)
Also that Muskabeatz part was as unexpected as it was awesome!


Rare opinion here but I prefer 4 over 3 actually


Simple YES. I still love this game, and in my opinion it is the best part of THPS.
Good gameplay, maps are quite big and interesting, music is awesome.


haha!  I'm glad you brought up Muskabeatz.  My friend was into Muska like I was into Mullen.  Both of us liked underground hip hop due in large part to skate videos.  The day he found a Muskabeatz album at the local skateshop was like Christmas 2.


Thps 4 honestly would be my favorite if they never made THUG.


This will always be MY Tony Hawk game. I have the most memories with it, like playing split screen with my dad. One of my childhood games ❤️


Personally, I love that they added stories behind the goals. The humor behind them feels absurdist. Like "Oh no! X-Disaster happened! Use your Super Skater powers to save the day!" For example, I found letting a zookeeper escape a lion's cage by blowing away the lions with an awesome combo to just be hilarious.


4:07 this clip triggers so many memories for me. Thps4 has to be my favorite game of all time, hands down. I probably logged like 1200 hours in this game growing up.


In this video you say, regarding buying stuff in the store, don't over do it because you have to buy the last two levels. I did an experiment to see if I could lock out one or both of the last two levels. I absorbed all the money I could from every level (including Practice) and the Pro Challeges and spent all the money on Decks, Skaters, Clothes, Movies and Cheats before getting the Levels. Turns out theres enough cash in the game that you can't lock out the Carnival and Chicago for the save file.


Bad voice acting?! I bet they fixed it in Underground...


You're normally right, but I think you were a wee bit too hard on THPS4.  It's still a classic, very lovable game.  I probably spent more time playing it than any other.


It's the second best game in the series for me. The best is Underground IMO :)


Underground was definitely my favorite. I even liked underground 2 although it was super over the top. Great review man, can't wait to see more.


4 was definitely my favorite - I don't mind the acting and I liked the trick variety even though it's unrealistic.


New Title: Guy complains throughout Skateboarding game and argues graphics make a game instead of gameplay. I'm outta here man