
Thank you everyone for enjoying the video. For those who asked, The camera and lens used in the video are shown in the description above.


I’ve been a photographer for over 50 years. I’ve had aperture and shutter priority cameras. I’ve used Kodachrome and Fujichrome as well as other type of print film. I say this to let you know I’ve had some experience. Now my comments. This was easily the best video I’ve seen about shooting in manual mode. Or any mode really. Well done you hit all the “side effects” clearly and efficiently.


First person who doesn't waste time and knows what he is talking about!!!! Thank you so much!


To be honest, I understood these facts prior to watching, but this was so brilliantly explained I now feel like I could teach a class of 3 year Olds on it lol. Well done sir!


I’ve watched 40 minutes of tutorials and yours is the most clear and concise


As a newbie photographer, I've watched several dozen videos explaining these things and had already gotten a good general grasp of the concepts, but I have to say yours is absolutely THE BEST. The way you explained it, the way you demonstrated it, and the graphic you used on the left were all brilliant. This proves why not everyone who masters something is good at teaching it - you definitely have the gift not only for photography but for teaching. Thanks so much! I'm gonna take a print screen of your graphic and print it and keep it with me as a great reminder tool.


Brilliantly explained. Probably the best video on the subject that I have seen!


This might be the single greatest tutorial for anything I've ever seen. Thank you.


I'm no expert (I use manual photography for my dental practice) but if Youtube could go ahead and just delete any other manual photography tutorial video would do us all a favor, because this one simply covers it and in the best way possible there's literally no need for any other.


I am a novice photographer and have looked at many videos and read some books.  Your explanation about how to shoot in manual is one of the best I have seen.  So clear with your examples.  You are definitely a gifted teacher as well as professional.


I’m a complete beginner, haven’t even received my camera in the mail yet, and this video made sooo much sense to me! Really clear explanation, the diagram and side by sides helped immensely. Thank you!!


Another tip: If you're a beginner and don't want to do full manual all the time (as it can take multiple adjustments and trial and error to get just one good picture) use the shutter, aperture priority modes. Almost all DSLRs and mirrorless cameras have them and it can be a very effective way to get very creative shots. You adjust the aperture/shutter speed, and the camera auto adjusts the rest. Very useful in a pinch.


I've watched like 20 videos and no one explains it and shows it at the same time like you do, thank youu!! This is what I needed.


"I personally don't care what people do" - Ralph thank you for not judging me shooting on auto 😂✌


This was the most well-explained video on the subject that I've seen to date!  You are a natural-born teacher.  Thank you!!!


This video was so freaking awesome. Out of the literal millions of videos on YouTube, this is my favorite one. God bless you, man.


I am still shopping for my first camera for hobby use. After watching your video, I already feel ready to start playing with manual modes. You did such a great job at explaining the functions and uses of each of the 3 main camera settings. You used real terms, but you broke them down into concepts that us total amateurs can understand. Thank you for posting this!! (I know it's 4 years old, but its new to me)


"Children are biologically incapable of staying still" Couldn't say it better :)


I am beyond grateful for this video! I tried looking up charts and read fb photography groups and never understood the meaning and importance of these three words and why it was better to “manually” do it! Thank you a million for this!!!!!! This gave me a little more confidence!


I've been composing photos for over 50 years - and while there's nothing new here for  me, I enjoy watching and listening to folks explain all this.  I have to say - you are one of the best I've ever seen.  Well done.