I see why Lois doesnt have a job; anytime he got a call back he didnt pick up because of the stigma 😢
27:03 Louis making a police shooting joke at a black man??? Pretty problematic.😬
The Luois McCum allegations are insane...
1:06:06 i was in the chat and the way this is framed makes it seem like the chat was on his side, but they were not. it was people calling him out on his bullshit and to just hurry up and watch, and the other side was saying ‘stop spamming’ ‘ stop being mean to louis’. i saw no hate or ‘being mean’ to danky. it made me think he only did this because he knew the vod watchers wouldn’t have that context and think everyone was on his side
They finally caught the pirate known as Captain Jack Swallows
To summarise his take down video. "I have proof he's defending a wife beater based on this one conversation, but I won't show you it. I also don't want him to be canceled, despite making out to be the worst person on the planet. In fact, I would have so much respect for him if he just admitted he was defending a wife beater. Also, every other thing I've heard about him comes from someone else." The amount of cognitive dissonance to say these things back to back, and the inability to stand behind anything while morally posturing needs to be studied. And even now, he's still the victim. Innocent mistake guys. He only attempted life ruination guys. It could have happen to anyone.
15:05 "I'm done with allowing him to ignore something that he probably did- and that he's probably still doing." I know this is, on the surface, silly drama, but that is a legitimately disturbing sentiment to express.
I still cant believe this all happened because Kati and co got their panties in a bunch over Danky not unfollowing Alex. The fact something so trivial was THIS important to them speaks volumes to how critically terminal their online is.
Ten days ago, I had no idea who Louis McBung was. Now, "shitting on Louis McBung, aka Jack Swallows" is probably my favorite genre of YouTube content.
This guy makes me cringe because he comes across as a guy in college simping for a theatre girl by acting completely unnaturally, plus deciding he's asexual because he hasn't actually had a real relationship before and thinks it'll make him seem more interesting. ...I don't look back on that phase well, I don't think he will either.
Aw man, you missed the second best part. Where McClunge and Kati basically say that they are the perfect youtubers to judge others because they've never done anything wrong.
why is this gay pirate telling me this editor thinks he can continue being weird and quirkey? This sounds like projection on his part.
This guy wants to report on the situation but also wants to be the main character. Hes really trying to outshine a girl beater and failing.
I appreciate Nick's continued reminder and pressure on ImAlexx
the way he would go "Dankyjabo is the worst human being ever, but this is all just stuff I heard from someone else so I don't actually have any proof that he's an awful human being but we should treat him terribly just in case" to "I made a slanderous video but I shouldn't be held accountable because it was just unconfirmed rumors teehee" Bro framed Dankyjabo in the worst light possible based off of "vibes" and wants us to refrain from criticizing him for the same thing
Hearing other people say just how fucking annoying the Louis guy’s energy is is really cathartic
This isnt even the first time hes done an awful video. There is a tiktok person who had an abusive ex wife. But Louis took the ex wifes side, despite the allegations of her hitting her husband on several occasions. The husband never touched the ex wife, but louis didnt care. He slandered the shit out of the dude just because "women cant be domestic abusers" mentality. I called him out and he said "i didnt include the domestic violence allegations because its just he said she said." But you believe the ex wife who is a proven liar and not the guy who is the actual victim. Ok dude
why is this guy wearing an ill-fitted underbust corset?
This and his video on Dream shows he's white knighting. Why in a Dream video, about Dream? Because he made a call back to GeorgeNotFound and CaitiBugz, and sides with Caiti. Even Beckett noticed that. The gay pirate has no problem defending women, which actually sounds quite ironic, if you say it like that.