
Right on!


You described exactly how I feel about this person and I also wore my special shoes today!! ❤




I’m commenting even before listening hehe love your voice and energy! So soothing-!


No fluff, very honest readings. I love your love readings, can't wait for your next readings, you connect to my energy, cannot thank you enough! ❤❤


Wow Nana, thank you for my personal reading today 😅 and yes, their shoes are a connection!


Yay! Love you my beautiful B🐝💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖


Oh wow. I did not think this message would be for me but I watched anyway. Did not expect it to feel like a personal reading! 

Both our cards came out. Queen of Wands and Knight of Pentacles. So much resonated from the Queen of Wands in reverse, to the truly being seen, the book in the Page of Swords hands, and the comment you made about shoes. Not sure that anything will transpire of this but I did save this reading so I could come back to it if so. 

Thank you so much for this reading. ❤


Hi Thanks for watching I hope you liked this video. Like and Subscribe for more of my readings 💖 If you would like to check out my last pick a card reading you can find it here 
✨✨YES or NO Ask Any Question https://youtu.be/h_FLJ8BINY8


Spot on with these reading, it’s amazing how you’re able to pick up the right energies 🙌🙏 and yes, it would be awesome if you could do more of this readings for the collective. love and light, beautiful soul 🌟💖🌟


Beautiful reading, and beautiful Nana 🐝💮 Even if message isn't meant for me I still loved listening 💗


Good morning nana b

I am always so surprised when I see a topic, don’t think it’s related to me, but watch anyway because every time I do watch your readings, information comes in that clarifies my life. 

I was just pondering this morning how do I see things I know I’m not seeing clearly? 

It is through these types of mediums. Like your channels. 

As much as I’ve tried to put this connection behind me, it still haunts me. Yesterday I pulled a couple cards to understand. The tower and treasure island. The bottom card was fates. 

The interpretation amounted to this is as designed, it is here to help me uncover my treasures. 

And I have very much been in this reverse queen of wands lately. She flips from time to time. I think she is currently connected to Pluto’s transit, which is retrograding back into Capricorn. But when Pluto moves forward into Aquarius she flips upright. 

There are these things I know I’m trying to clear up about myself. And that clarity arises through connections.

I really appreciated when you said in the past you’ve felt confident to move forward in a connection. In the Lovers section of the book I wrote about the 2 most recent romantic relationships. There were similar patterns in both. 

I am examining what is going on in these types of connections. And in many ways I see you are as well on your channels. 

What is happening in romantic union?

I believe there are many beings on the planet that are masters. They are sensitive. They have the ability to love that is often referred to as unconditional. 

There is a lotus-flower-love process unfolding. Through the dense watery mud, the flower is rising to bloom. 

It’s what we’ve talked about in the past of the hundredth monkey. Where a few will shift the trajectory of the all. 

The queen of cups is crossing the knight of pentacles. The queen is the challenge to this slow moving knight. She’s emotionally balanced which is causing a challenge to the knight. 

The 5 of wands in reverse of closing down other options feels accurate at the moment. As I noted earlier, the ability for me to move forward has been blocked. Not just in this connection but my willingness to be open to anyone has dissolved. I feel so depleted and disheartened, not just this one, but the pattern that has persisted, that I want to retreat and isolate deeper into my sanctuary. 

It’s really interesting, because it did initially feel like a fun flirty energy. It felt light and easy. I thought I’d discovered a soul family member. A brother or bestie. It felt like elementary school crushes. Sweet and innocent. Playful and silly. It wasn’t weighted down with hormones. 

I’ve had this experience many times with men. Because I grew up with boys, there’s something familiar about connecting with youthful masculine energy. 

But they turn on me. And it does tend to throw me off kilter. I’m pretty sturdy and can recalibrate fairly quickly. But this particular connection has thrown me for a loop repeatedly. Just when I think I’m centered I get thrown off again. 

I am currently in the off. 

I feel distant from life. I was at an event for my daughter yesterday and both she and her dad asked how I was doing. 

Later I asked her, “are you sensing something with me?”

She said, “yeah mom, you feel off.”

I saw me through her, I’ve been really quiet lately. I’ve been in my high priestess or reverse queen of wands. Which feels similar to me. It’s like I pull back from this realm and move deep into the unseen. 

As we neared the end of the reading I felt myself deny this reading was for me. That this connection I was envisioning through this reading was a stretch. Doubt in a big way. But then you brought in Cancer, shoes and the letter d. All meaningful. 

It’s raining here. Summer feels far away now. It’s darker. And I feel that sun is out of reach like the ace of swords in reverse. It’s like I know this cycle. I know this season. It felt like summer was so short this year, like a flash. And the queen of wands upright has flipped. So I’m acclimating. Like that 4 of swords. Between flights, hibernating. I know I’ll get very cozy in this next season. And I’ll get very quiet. 

I will just be less quiet with you 😂🪆🐝💝


❤ thank you, I am always looking forward to hear from you❤ All the blessings from Poland 🇵🇱