It always killed me that Jake was like “Ethan is a fucking idiot for self diagnosing via google search. Anyways, I’m going to diagnose what Ethan has via google search.”
16:58 "It affects 90% women" the 10% of male patients can just get stuffed, then?
Jake do little literally has a charity for, and I quote "those who are diagnosed or not", so he believes in helping people that arent even diagnosed, but dislikes Ethan for saying "there is a possibility I have Lupus, idk, I just got tested", not even confirming it. Bro is nuts
The fact he basically stalked & harassed the H3 crew and acted like he was friends with them to bother other creators was creepy
i can’t fathom why someone who runs a charity to help those with medical issues would possibly make a hit piece on someone clearly just having medical anxiety about elevated test results.
My sister has lupus, and she's developmentally challenged. It took us 4 years in and out of hospitals.. being told she's fine, sent home. Repeat. I basically had to scream at the ER doctor to get anything done. So frustrating watching this dude act so high and mighty.
He’s acting like Ethan outright said he definitely had lupus without seeing a doctor. The clips he put in the video himself show otherwise. This is so stupid. Ethan is clearly having health anxiety, that’s a perfectly normal response to health issues and concerning blood markers. He’s not “lying” about having it, just stating that he’s anxious that he might have it.
Internet drama ruined the name Jake. Jake Doolittle Jake Doherty Jake Weddle Jake The Viking If I meet a Jake, I'm gonna avoid them like a phone call. Unless he invites me to a casino.
"I have lyme disease so I know for a fact you don't have lupus because you're not a black woman and you didn't hire me" is what I got from his entire rant. Also, he says googling blood test values and freaking out over them is bad but he's equally unlicensed and googling blood test values to discredit them and call someone a drama queen is fine?
Hes conveniently ignoring all the people that are diagnose with cancer TOO LATE because they had no symptoms
“It’s never Lupis.” - Dr. Jake Doolittle M.D.
As someone who has been through some medical shit from an early age; it is extremely unethical for someone who owns a chronic illness charity, to pick apart Ethan’s story… I had cancer twice (5 years in remission 💜), but I had a bone marrow transplant that WRECKED my entire immune system from inside-out. And I’ve been TRYING to figure out for years now, and I’m in a VERY similar situation as Ethan is finding himself in. Because of my complicated medical history, doctors don’t want to treat THE WRONG DISEASE, so getting a proper diagnosis for whatever the fuck has been causing my body to deteriorate post-cancer…. It takes months-years to get a proper diagnosis, and just because one doesn’t have one yet, doesn’t make their health ailments ANY LESS DEBILITATING. So for Jake to publicly call out and shame Ethan, is a really gross thing to do, and shows an extreme lack of empathy to a majority of people out there battling chronic illness against a broken healthcare system… Great way to alienate a majority of the people, Jake claims to care so much about….
It amazes me that he has said he's in the hospital immediately after posting both "poorly received" videos.
46:31 as someone with a parent with a hard-to-pronounce disease who attended medical appointments with them as a child, I can confirm people who even have a disease often mispronounce it.
I've noticed a pattern that whenever progressive breadwinners get caught, their apologies go about the sake way. "I did something bad without ever being discriptive as to who and why I am "apologizing"." And then moving on to the next slop
I’m a medical scientist by profession and testing and interpreting lab results is my whole job, and what Ethan is doing is extremely understandable despite my frustrations with it because the general public really isn’t taught what health values mean and when to worry about them. In medicine we like to use the term “clinical picture” to refer to everything going on with the patient, and many times lab results are not anything to worry about unless other parts of your clinical picture corroborate those values as a more serious problem. We use lab results to help confirm and diagnose, but by themselves don’t mean much without the accompanying symptoms. I have to go into patient charts often times to make sure results make sense lol. edit: I’m cry laughing at Ethan pronouncing titer as “titter” that made my whole night.
The fact that Ethan is STILL trying to figure out what this is and Jake takes all his jokes seriously and saying he’s lying is so disgusting and disingenuous. And Jake doodoo keeps saying Ethan has 0 symptoms and he keeps getting a rash all over his face and I’m pretty sure he said he has digestive issues. He said he had to shit in a box and have it tested and he has an autoimmune disease like his mom but they STILL don’t know what it is.
nick finding that how to basic video off just the music had me dying
6:55 lol when I was like 16 I was having like 10 nosebleeds a day and I went to the doctor for it and dude was like "you might have a huge tumor in your brain" and I started freaking out and it ended up being nothing