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Thankyou for this sane dialogue !


Fantastic Jason. Thankyou 🙏🏼


Thank you! Our Home Owners Association (HOA) president made us remove our honey bee hive (arrived from the wild) after 2.5 years. The complainers rely on money, monoculture grass and herbicides/pesticides to feel "safe". The local university expert claimed the HOAs often make their decisions regarding the bees out of fear and ignorance. This video comes at an important time for me as I try to make sense of this directive. As well, they failed to follow the power/duty section of the HOA bylaws. Thank you immensely!


"The difference between democracy and Marxism is trust." 
"Confucius(philosophy) fits well with Marxism..."
Thank You both for these insights 🙏. Agreed that Buddhism has become very political in the US...


It's both "all the same" and "all relative". ☯👍


Hi Jason. I really enjoy your videos, especially those on Taoism and Buddhism. However, I do have a question. Is the Taoism taught by Lao tzu and Zhuangzi different to that of what is often called religious Taoism? Lao Tzu and Zhuangzi speak of not clinging to rites, rituals etc, however many Taoist priests talk of things such as consecrating statues to prevent evil spirits from entering them, and certain ritualistic occult practices etc. Is this the same Taoism taught by Lao Tzu and Zhuangzi, or is it a different form of Taoism that merged with Confucianism or something like that? I have begun practicing Taoism and also Chan Buddhist Meditation, but am a bit confused over this, as there are a lot of different answers to this question online, and you know your stuff very well. Thank You, much appreciated


Thank you Jason and Gayoung for today's discussion and timely perspective, which has helped me see the world more clearly. I've recently been looking at Mazlow's hierarchy of needs and my theory is that the bottom two levels are under attack by the powers that be, in an attempt to suppress an individuals ability to attain the higher levels of needs, such as healthy connection with others, morality and creativity (analogous to chasing one's own tail/mice running inside a spinning wheel and getting nowhere). I am working on the idea, that by specifically focusing on the top 3 levels, and not concerning myself with the bottom 2 tiers of needs, then those more basic needs will be met through social and spiritual interactions, without any need to worry on my part.


I think people would be much better off running their own lives & spending their own money as opposed to using government & the political process to run their neighbors' lives & spend their neighbors' tax money.


Hi Jason. I have asked before and I guess you have missed the comment among hundreds of others.. Can you please tell us the best englihs translated version of Bhagavata Purana to read that is not by Prabhupada? Thank you, much appreciated.


He would not like living in the UK then😢


Hello Friends!!!!  Jai Shree Ram


Every kingdom divided against itself is destroyed, and every city or household divided against itself will not stand. He is weighed in the balance and found wanting. His houses are built upon the sand. Built upon shaky foundations instead of the hard solid rock foundation of wisdom. So if the enemy drives out himself, he is divided against himself. How, then, can his kingdom stand?

Learn who the enemy is lest you build upon his foundation. Fence sitting has been in my opinion is avoiding to know who the true enemy is or even acting in an appropriate manner to counter-action to your enemy’s actions. Misinformation and especially disinformation from not just mainstream sources but also sources claiming to be “alternative” sources. The alphabet agencies spread disinformation in alt scenes.

You will know the enemy when they advocate unlimited authority and the limiting especially the agency of the people. The truest danger to freedom of speech, freedom of expression, freedom of religion, and freedom from religion is an overly sensitive people and overly soft offspring. You are the source of your own suffering when you allow not just the things that other say as well as do but also those things that you say as well as do to get the better of you. That is why it is wiser not to go ‘fuck that dude’ because then you are allowing your feelings to totally dictate your actions instead of seeing the big picture.

Be not driven by terror for your enemy is the author of terror. Fear that and not be driven to that. Only the adversary pushes that unwarranted fear, terror, and control unto you. The ideal or Utopian world does not exist. Which perspective is true? Is it the lion's or the gazelle's perspective? The only thing that is equal in nature is diversity for everything in nature by it's uniqueness is unequal. Therefore equity is truly unequal and unfair in that it advocates for the constriction of diversity.

The Wisdom of Solomon chapter 6 verses 13 through 14 say that wisdom (Sophia) is radiant and unfading, and she is easily discerned by those who love her, and is found by those who seek her. Someone once said that the value of any curriculum proves itself by the results it brings. The Wisdom of Solomon chapter 6 verse 24 says that a multitude of wise sages is the salvation of the world and a sensible king is the stable axis of his people. In the Rg Veda it says remain steady and unwavering...do not give in. Be strong like a mountain. Stay still like the sky and the earth...unmoved is the world of living beings and this king of men. The Book of Proverbs chapter 11 verses 13 through 14 says that a gossip betrays a confidence, but a trustworthy person keeps a secret. For lack of guidance a nation falls, but victory is won through many advisers.

The Book of Daniel chapter 12 verse 3 says that those who manifest wisdom will shine like the brightness of the expanse of heaven, and those who turn many to righteousness will shine like the stars for ever and ever. The Dhammapada says that when those who are foolish become wise, they give light to the world like a full moon breaking through the clouds. When their good deeds overcome the bad, they give light to the world like the moon breaking free from behind the clouds. 

In short there is an old saying that goes there are three things that you can’t hide forever and that they are the sun, the moon, and the truth. Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth. No matter how many attempts to censor others eventually that will start happening to you and even that is temporary. What has been hidden in darkness shalt be brought into the light. All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. After all, all great truths began as heresy and blasphemy.


AWE. 🗡️. 2024.